Show that there exist infinitely many square-free positive integers $n$ that divide $2005^n-1$.
Tags: search, number theory solved, number theory
03.12.2005 14:54
What do you mean with the word <<square-free>> ?Thanks
03.12.2005 15:02
I remember proving this for any $a>2$ instead of $2005$. It was a problem from an Iranian olympiad and TST and the topic was started by Omid Hatami. There should be enough good keywords here for anyone who wants to perform a search .
03.12.2005 15:21
$n$ is called squarfree iff it isn't divisible by a perfect square $>1$, or equivalently every prime factor occurs at most twice in $n$.
03.12.2005 15:40
I performed a search and here it is:
03.12.2005 15:55
I believe all those similar problems were created upon the inspiration of IMO 2000\5
03.12.2005 16:03
And that's why you solved it very successfully . (It's strange that only you and your brother were able to solve this problem. )
11.05.2006 14:59
hy i wonder what were the results of the selection test? how many people solved 3 or more problems?