
Source: Romania TST 2014 Day 1 Problem 1

Tags: geometry, power of a point, radical axis

Let $ABC$ be a triangle, let ${A}'$, ${B}'$, ${C}'$ be the orthogonal projections of the vertices $A$ ,$B$ ,$C$ on the lines $BC$, $CA$ and $AB$, respectively, and let $X$ be a point on the line $A{A}'$.Let $\gamma_{B}$ be the circle through $B$ and $X$, centred on the line $BC$, and let $\gamma_{C}$ be the circle through $C$ and $X$, centred on the line $BC$.The circle $\gamma_{B}$ meets the lines $AB$ and $B{B}'$ again at $M$ and ${M}'$, respectively, and the circle $\gamma_{C}$ meets the lines $AC$ and $C{C}'$ again at $N$ and ${N}'$, respectively.Show that the points $M$, ${M}'$, $N$ and ${N}'$ are collinear.