Let ω be a circle of radius h with center P. Let ω1 be a circle of radius AD with center A. Let ω2 be a circle of radius BC with center B. Note that all three circles are externaly tangent to each other. Also, ω is tangent to CD. Let this tangency point be E.
In order to satisfy the problem, there must exist a tangent to ω through E such that the tanget to ω at that point intersects both ω1 and ω2 thus forming D and C.
The smallest radius of ω1 occurs when CD is tangent to both ω1 and ω2. If ω1 is any smaller, then when tangent EC is drawn, it is always below ω1, contradiction.
Using Pythagorean's Theorem, we can find that 1√h=1√AD+1√BC.
Since AD is greater than or equal to the already determined value for it, we get the desired inequality.