
Source: Middle European Mathematical Olympiad I-4

Tags: factorial, algorithm, number theory, relatively prime, number theory proposed

For integers $n \ge k \ge 0$ we define the bibinomial coefficient $\left( \binom{n}{k} \right)$ by \[ \left( \binom{n}{k} \right) = \frac{n!!}{k!!(n-k)!!} .\] Determine all pairs $(n,k)$ of integers with $n \ge k \ge 0$ such that the corresponding bibinomial coefficient is an integer. Remark: The double factorial $n!!$ is defined to be the product of all even positive integers up to $n$ if $n$ is even and the product of all odd positive integers up to $n$ if $n$ is odd. So e.g. $0!! = 1$, $4!! = 2 \cdot 4 = 8$, and $7!! = 1 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdot 7 = 105$.