We consider dissections of regular $n$-gons into $n - 2$ triangles by $n - 3$ diagonals which do not intersect inside the $n$-gon. A bicoloured triangulation is such a dissection of an $n$-gon in which each triangle is coloured black or white and any two triangles which share an edge have different colours. We call a positive integer $n \ge 4$ triangulable if every regular $n$-gon has a bicoloured triangulation such that for each vertex $A$ of the $n$-gon the number of black triangles of which $A$ is a vertex is greater than the number of white triangles of which $A$ is a vertex. Find all triangulable numbers.
Source: Middle European Mathematical Olympiad I-2
Tags: geometry, combinatorics, memo
25.09.2014 00:16
03.10.2014 15:26
30.03.2015 12:41
We could see that a bit different. Black triangle : $B$ White triangle: $W$ we can easily get each segment comes in one or two triangle. claim1 : if our segment is one if the sides,it comes in one triangle and that triangle is black consider that our segment is between two vertices $n$ & $m$ . now if you see from $n$ if the first triangle( which cotain our segment)be white then the sequence of the triangles that contain $n$ is like this: $W$, $B$, $W$,.... so the number of our $W$ is more than or equal to our $B$ which is a contradiction. claim2 : if our segment is one of the diagonals, it comes in two triangles and exactly one of them is black Because of our problem conditions! the number of black triangles : $N$ So from our claims : $3N = n-3$ => $3\mid n$ The rest of my solution is same as the others
30.08.2016 03:02
Calculate "number of black triangle - number of white triangle" in two ways. 1. By calculating "number of times this vertex was used as a part of a black triangle - same thing but white triangle" Using the condition that this value is $ \ge 1$ for each vertex. 2. By calculating "number of times this edge was used as a part of a black triangle - same thing but white triangle" Using the trivial observation that diagonals are once used as a part of black triangle and once used as a part of white triangle. Also, use the observation that each edge of the $n$-gon is used once. These two give us that our desired value at the beginning is $\frac{n}{3}$ by double counting. Therefore $3|n$. Construction is easy and inductable.