Nocycleland is a country with $500$ cities and $2013$ two-way roads, each one of them connecting two cities. A city $A$ neighbors $B$ if there is one road that connects them, and a city $A$ quasi-neighbors $B$ if there is a city $C$ such that $A$ neighbors $C$ and $C$ neighbors $B$. It is known that in Nocycleland, there are no pair of cities connected directly with more than one road, and there are no four cities $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ such that $A$ neighbors $B$, $B$ neighbors $C$, $C$ neighbors $D$, and $D$ neighbors $A$. Show that there is at least one city that quasi-neighbors at least $57$ other cities.
Tags: combinatorics proposed, combinatorics
02.09.2014 01:29
Let $500=N$ and $2013=E$. For a vertex $v$, let $d(v)$ be the number of neighbors of $v$ and let $d_2(v)$ be the number of quasi-neighbors of $v$. The condition that there is no 4-cycle implies that if $A$ and $B$ are quasi-neighbors then there is exactly one choice of $C$ adjacent to both. Thus $d_2(v) =\sum_{w\sim v} (d(w)-1)$, where the relation $\sim$ is adjacency. It follows that \begin{align*}\sum_v d_2(v)&=\sum_v\sum_{w\sim v} (d(w)-1)\\&=\sum_w d(w)(d(w)-1).\end{align*} Obviously $\sum d(w)=2 E$. Therefore $\sum d(w)^2\geq (2E)^2/N$ and so $\sum d_2(v)\geq (2E)^2/N -2E$. Thus the average value of $d_2(v)$ is at least $(2E)^2/N^2 -2E/N$. Plugging in the given values for $N,E$ shows that this number is larger than $56$; thus, for some vertex $v$ it must be at least $57$.
16.09.2021 10:36
solved from here and here