
Source: Greek TST 2014-Pr.4

Tags: binomial coefficients, combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics

Square $ABCD$ is divided into $n^2$ equal small squares by lines parallel to its sides.A spider starts from $A$ and moving only rightward or upwards,tries to reach $C$.Every "movement" of the spider consists of $k$ steps rightward and $m$ steps upwards or $m$ steps rightward and $k$ steps upwards(it can follow any possible order for the steps of each "movement").The spider completes $l$ "movements" and afterwards it moves without limitation (it still moves rightwards and upwards only).If $n=m\cdot l$,find the number of the possible paths the spider can follow to reach $C$.Note that $n,m,k,l\in \mathbb{N^{*}}$ with $k<m$.