Let $n > 3$ be an odd positive integer not divisible by $3$. Determine if it is possible to form an $n \times n$ array of numbers such that (a) the set of the numbers in each row is a permutation of $0, 1, \dots , n - 1$; the set of the numbers in each column is a permutation of $0, 1, \dots , n-1$; (b) the board is totally non-symmetric: for $1 \le i < j \le n$ and $1 \le i' < j' \le n$, if $(i, j) \neq (i', j')$ then $(a_{i,j} , a_{j,i}) \neq (a_{i',j'} , a_{j',i'})$ where $a_{i,j}$ denotes the entry in the $i^\text{th}$ row and $j^\text{th}$ column.