
Source: ELMO 2014 Shortlist G13, by David Stoner

Tags: geometry, circumcircle, ratio, geometric transformation, reflection, geometry proposed

Let $ABC$ be a nondegenerate acute triangle with circumcircle $\omega$ and let its incircle $\gamma$ touch $AB, AC, BC$ at $X, Y, Z$ respectively. Let $XY$ hit arcs $AB, AC$ of $\omega$ at $M, N$ respectively, and let $P \neq X, Q \neq Y$ be the points on $\gamma$ such that $MP=MX, NQ=NY$. If $I$ is the center of $\gamma$, prove that $P, I, Q$ are collinear if and only if $\angle BAC=90^\circ$. Proposed by David Stoner