A regular $2004$-sided polygon is given, with all of its diagonals drawn. After some sides and diagonals are removed, every vertex has at most five segments coming out of it. Prove that one can color the vertices with two colors such that at least $\frac{3}{5}$ of the remaining segments have ends with different colors.
Source: MOP 2005 Homework - Black Group #9
Tags: probability, expected value, combinatorics, graph theory
27.05.2014 06:35
First, remark that a graph with maximum degree $\Delta$ can be properly (vertex)-colored using no more than $\Delta + 1$ colors. Indeed, simply order the vertices arbitrarily and assign to each vertex a color different from those assigned to any of its neighbors that have already been encountered. Since the latter constitute a set of size at most $\Delta$, one of our $\Delta + 1$ colors will always do the trick. Thus our resulting graph $G$ can be properly $6$-colored. Now, choose $3$ colors from the $6$ uniformly at random (so that all triples are equally likely) and collapse them into a single color - say red. Collapse the remaining $3$ colors into a single, different color - call this one blue. Then our original $6$-coloring induces a (likely improper) red-blue coloring of the vertices of $G$. The probability that any particular edge of $G$ is monochromatic with respect to this coloring is \[\frac{2 \cdot 4}{\binom{6}{3}} = 2/5\] so that the expected number of monochromatic edges under this coloring is most $2|E|/5$. Then there must exist some particular choice of partition (ergo, 2-coloring) for which no more than $2/5$ of the edges of $G$ are monochromatic - that is to say, at least $3/5$ of the edges of $G$ have endpoints of different colors.
12.05.2019 19:54
Can someone clarify this collapsing into a single color idea?
14.05.2019 15:02
A good idea, but it's not clear if it could be saved. For example: Quote: ...Now, choose $3$ colors from the $6$ uniformly at random (so that all triples are equally likely) and collapse them into a single color What does it mean and is it possible at all to do it? One should be careful when using probabilistic arguments.
14.05.2019 17:15
Put $n$ instead $2004$. Simply stated, we have a graph $G(V,E)$ with $n$ vertices, each vertex has degree at most $5$. We want to cut the vertices $V$ into two parts $A,B$ such that the number of cross edges (that connect $A$ with $B$) is at least $\displaystyle\frac{3}{5}|E|$. Let the cut $(A,B)$ be the one that attains the maximal number of cross edges. For any vertex $v\in V$ by $d_c(v)$ we denote the number of edges incident with $v$ that are cross edges and $d_{in}(v):= d(v)-d_c(v)$ be the number of edges that connect $v$ with the vertices of the same part where $v$ is. The following properties hold: 1) For any vertex $v\in V$ $d_c(v)\geq d_{in}(v)$ 2) Suppose $a\in A$ is a vertex such that $d_c(a)=d_{in}(a)$. Let $b\in B$ and $ab$ is an edge in $G$. Then $d_c(b)-d_{in}(b)\geq 2$. For the first part, indeed, if it's false, we can transfer $v$ from the part it belongs, say $A$, to the other part $B$ and thus increase the number of cross edges. For the second part, assuming it doesn't hold and swapping $a$ and $b$ we get a configuration with bigger number of cross edges, a contradiction. Further, let $A_1:=\{a\in A:d_c(a)=d_{in}(a)\}$ and $B_1:=\{b\in B:d_c(b)=d_{in}(b)\}$. Denote by $B'_1$ the set of all vertices in $B$, $A_1$ is connected with. Respectively $A'_1$ be all vertices in $A$, each of them is connected with a vertex in $B_1$. The remaining vertices in $A$, resp. $B$ we denote as $A_2$, resp. $B_2$. By the second property, there do not exist edges between $A_1$ and $B_1\cup B_2$. For $a\in A'_1$, it holds $d_c(v)\geq d_{in}(v)+2$. Since $d(v)\leq 5$ it follows $\displaystyle d_c(v)\geq \frac{3}{4} d(v)$. The same is true for any vertex in $B'_1$. For any vertex $v\in A_2$ it holds $\displaystyle d_c(v)\geq \frac{3}{5} d(v)$. Now, let us estimate the number $c$ of cross edges between $A$ and $B$. $$\displaystyle c=\sum_{v\in A_1}d_c(v)+\sum_{v\in A'_1}d_c(v)+\sum_{v\in A_2}d_c(v)$$$$c\geq \frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in A_1}d(v)+\frac{3}{4}\sum_{v\in A'_1}d(v)+\frac{3}{5}\sum_{v\in A_2}d(v).$$The same is true when cross edges are counted with respect to $B$. $$c\geq \frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in B_1}d(v)+\frac{3}{4}\sum_{v\in B'_1}d(v)+\frac{3}{5}\sum_{v\in B_2}d(v).$$thus $$(1)\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, c\geq \frac{1}{4}\sum_{v\in A_1\cup B_1}d(v)+\frac{3}{8}\sum_{v\in A'_1\cup B'_1}d(v)+\frac{3}{10}\sum_{v\in A_2\cup B_2}d(v).$$The number of all edges is $$(2)\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,|E|= \frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in A_1\cup B_1}d(v)+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in A'_1\cup B'_1}d(v)+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in A_2\cup B_2}d(v).$$By counting edges between $A_1$ and $B'_1$ it follows $$\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in A_1}d(v)\leq \frac{3}{4}\sum_{v\in B'_1}d(v)$$or $$\displaystyle \sum_{v\in A_1}d(v)\leq \frac{3}{2}\sum_{v\in B'_1}d(v)$$Similarly $$\displaystyle \sum_{v\in B_1}d(v)\leq \frac{3}{2}\sum_{v\in A'_1}d(v)$$and $$(3)\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\displaystyle \sum_{v\in A_1\cup B_1}d(v)\leq \frac{3}{2}\sum_{v\in A'_1\cup B'_1}d(v)$$Now look at $\displaystyle \frac{c}{|E|}$ as presented in $(1)$ and $(2)$ and as a function of $\displaystyle \sum_{v\in A_1\cup B_1}d(v)$, all other sums fixed. It attains it's minimal value when $\displaystyle \sum_{v\in A_1\cup B_1}d(v)$ is as large as possible. Hence, by $(3)$: $$\frac{c}{|E|}\geq \left(\frac{3}{4}\sum_{v\in A'_1\cup B'_1}d(v)+\frac{3}{10}\sum_{v\in A_2\cup B_2}d(v)\right) / \left(\frac{5}{4} \sum_{v\in A'_1\cup B'_1}d(v)+ \frac{1}{2}\sum_{v\in A_2\cup B_2}d(v)\right).$$It means $\displaystyle \frac{c}{|E|}\geq \frac{3}{5}.$
15.05.2019 21:28
Group vertices with the same color under a set. Let $A,B$ be the sets produced this way. For each $v\in A$ let $d^+(v)$ be the number of edges from $v$ contributing to the total count of crossing edges, and $d^-(v)$ the rest of the edges from $v$. Call a vertex "rich" if it has more neighbors outside of its component than inside its component (i.e. $d^+(v) \ge d^-(v) + 1$) and "poor" otherwise. We say that a vertex is "noble" if $d^+(v) \ge d^-(v) + 2$. Take the partition $G = A\cup B$ with the most number rich vertices among the maximal number of crossing edges. Rich vertices $v$ satisfy $d^+(v) \ge \frac 3 2 d^-(v)$ from $d(v) := d^+(v) + d^-(v) \le 5$. Let $R_A,R_B$ denote the set of rich vertices in $A,B$, respectively and $P_A, P_B$ the sets of poor vertices in $A,B$ respectively. Claim 1: If a vertex $w$ is poor then $d^+(w) = d^-(w)$. Proof: Suppose otherwise. Moving $w$ to the other component creates a partition with more crossing edges, contradiction. Claim 2: For any $v,w$ joined by a crossing edge, if $w$ is poor then $v$ is noble. Proof: Suppose otherwise, say $w \in A$ is poor and $v\in B$ is not noble. Move $w$ into $B$, $d^+(w)$ increases by $1$ and $d^-(w)$ decreases by $1$, while the number of crossing edges stays fixed. So now $d^+(w) > d^-(w)$ and we can move $v$ to $A$ and increase the number of crossing edges. For the remainder, denote by $E_{XY}$ the number of crossing edges between components $X,Y$, $E_X$ the number of edges within set $X$. Claim 3: $E_{R_AR_B} + 2E_{P_AR_B} \ge \frac 3 2 (2E_{R_B} + 2E_{P_A} +E_{R_BP_B}+ E_{P_AR_A})$. First note that if we prove Claim 3 then add the symmetric inequality (with $A,B$ swapped) then we get the desired result of the problem (note that $E_{P_AP_B} = 0$). Proof of Claim 3: For the inequality it is equivalent to show that $$\sum_{r\in R_B} d^+(r) + \sum_{p\in P_A} d^+(p) \ge \frac 3 2 \left(\sum_{p\in P_A} d^-(p) + \sum_{r\in R_B} d^-(r)\right).$$Let $N$ be the nobility class within the rich vertices and denote by $M = R_B \setminus N$ the merchant class. Since the merchant class does not interact with the peasantry $P_A$ and for all $m\in M$ we have $d^+(m) = d^-(m) + 1 \ge \frac 3 2 d^-(m)$, it suffices to show that $$\sum_{r\in N} d^+(r) + \sum_{p\in P_A} d^+(p) \ge \frac 3 2 \left(\sum_{p\in P_A} d^-(p) + \sum_{r\in N} d^-(r)\right). \qquad\qquad (*)$$ Note that $(1)$ $d^+(p) = d^-(p)$ for any peasant $p$ $(2)$ $\sum_{r} d^+(r) \ge \sum d^+(p) = \sum d^-(p)$ because all edges going out of $P_A$ end in $R_B$ $(3)$ $d^+(r) - d^-(r) \ge 2$ for any noble $r$ and $d^+(r) + d^-(r) \le 5 \implies d^-(r) \le 1$, which when combined with $r$ noble, implies $3d^-(r) \le d^+(r)$. Now we may rewrite $(*)$ using $(1)$ as $$2\sum d^+(r) \ge \sum d^-(p) + 3\sum d^-(r).$$Now using $(2) + \sum_r (3)$ gives the desired result.
06.10.2019 20:26
hyperbolictangent wrote: First, remark that a graph with maximum degree $\Delta$ can be properly (vertex)-colored using no more than $\Delta + 1$ colors. Indeed, simply order the vertices arbitrarily and assign to each vertex a color different from those assigned to any of its neighbors that have already been encountered. Since the latter constitute a set of size at most $\Delta$, one of our $\Delta + 1$ colors will always do the trick. Thus our resulting graph $G$ can be properly $6$-colored. Now, choose $3$ colors from the $6$ uniformly at random (so that all triples are equally likely) and collapse them into a single color - say red. Collapse the remaining $3$ colors into a single, different color - call this one blue. Then our original $6$-coloring induces a (likely improper) red-blue coloring of the vertices of $G$. The probability that any particular edge of $G$ is monochromatic with respect to this coloring is \[\frac{2 \cdot 4}{\binom{6}{3}} = 2/5\]so that the expected number of monochromatic edges under this coloring is most $2|E|/5$. Then there must exist some particular choice of partition (ergo, 2-coloring) for which no more than $2/5$ of the edges of $G$ are monochromatic - that is to say, at least $3/5$ of the edges of $G$ have endpoints of different colors. I don't understand. What is wrong with this solution? @dgrozev ?
06.10.2019 23:34
Nothing wrong. Nice solution. Maybe I didn't get it properly, don't know. Sorry!