For a positive integer $m$ denote by $S(m)$ and $P(m)$ the sum and product, respectively, of the digits of $m$. Show that for each positive integer $n$, there exist positive integers $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n$ satisfying the following conditions: \[ S(a_1) < S(a_2) < \cdots < S(a_n) \text{ and } S(a_i) = P(a_{i+1}) \quad (i=1,2,\ldots,n). \](We let $a_{n+1} = a_1$.) Problem Committee of the Japan Mathematical Olympiad Foundation
Source: APMO 2014 Problem 1
Tags: algebra
28.03.2014 07:40
Take number like $\{112, 111122, 1111111111222,\ldots\}$ where the number comprises of $1$s at the beginning followed by a string of $2$s. The $n$th number would have $2^{n+1}-2n$ ones and $n$ twos. The sum of the digits is $2^{n+1}$ and the product of the digits is $2^n$.
28.03.2014 08:18
iarnab_kundu wrote: Take number like $\{112, 111122, 1111111111222,\ldots\}$ where the number comprises of $1$s at the beginning followed by a string of $2$s. The $n$th number would have $2^{n+1}-2n$ ones and $n$ twos. The sum of the digits is $2^{n+1}$ and the product of the digits is $2^n$. But $S(a_n)=P(a_1)$...
28.03.2014 08:48
The basic idea was right, just the implementation was wrong. Denote $N(a,b) = \underbrace{22\ldots 2}_{a \textrm{ times}}\underbrace{11\ldots 1}_{b \textrm{ times}}$, so $S(N(a,b)) = 2a+b$ and $P(N(a,b)) = 2^a$. For $n=1$ take $a_1=1$. For $n>1$ take some $m$ such that $2^m \geq m+n$; then take $a_1 = N(2^m,0)$, $a_k = N(m+k-1, 2^{m+k} - 2(m+k-1))$ for $2\leq k\leq n-1$, finally $a_n = N(m+n-1, 2^{2^m} - 2(m+n-1))$. Thus $S(a_1) = 2^{m+1}$ and $P(a_1) = 2^{2^m}$, $S(a_k) = 2^{m+k}$ and $P(a_k) = 2^{m+k-1}$ for $2\leq k\leq n-1$, finally $S(a_n) = 2^{2^m}$ and $P(a_n) = 2^{m+n-1}$.
28.03.2014 14:20
I believe that the basic idea is to "artificially" make the product increase by a lot and then just add a lot of 1s to fix the sum. There are *many* ways to construct this. What do you think about this year's APMO compared to that of other years?
28.03.2014 19:59
P4 and P5 was much more difficult.(may be 4th problem left less time for 5th problem)
29.03.2014 03:15
How about the first 3 problems? I think that this year's Problem 1 is the hardest since 2011 (it is not straightforward to those who are experienced unlike 2011, 2012, 2013). Problem 2 is harder than all the other years since 2011, and Problem 3 is around same level with 2012 and harder than 2013 & 2011. Cutoff predictions for Bronze, Silver, Gold (not the one per country because of the award limit)? I'm expecting the mean to be around 12 with a significant STDEV, so I'm expecting something like 9, 15, 21 or 10, 16, 22 (same as 2011)
31.03.2014 06:18
Yay! at least I got problem 1 correct but yeah I thought this year was harder than last year. I was able to do problem 1 and 2 without too much difficulty in 2013, but this year, the first two problems were not too easy. Hoping for an Honourable mention at least, although I know I have very little chance at the moment.
01.04.2014 11:18
in Mavropenevma's solution we can replace 2 by any positive integer r greater than 2
11.04.2014 12:55
Consider a sequence $(a_i)$, such that $a_i=\underbrace{22\ldots 2}_{i}\underbrace{11\ldots 1}_{2^{i+1}-2i}$, for every $i$. We get that $S(a_i)=2^{i+1}$ and $P(a_i)=2^i$. Therefore $S(a_1)<S(a_2)<\ldots$ and $P(a_i)=2^i=S(a_{i-1})$, hence the sequence satisfies conditions of given problem.
02.02.2018 17:47
Solution: We can select sufficiently large positive integer $t$ such that $2^{t+1}>2(t+n)$ for fix $n.$ Then select $a_i=\underbrace{22...2}_{t+i-1}\underbrace{11...1}_{2^{t+i}-2(t+i-1)},$ where $i\not= 1,$ and for $i=1, a_1=\underbrace{22...2}_{t+n}\underbrace{11...1}_{2^{t+1}-2(t+n)}.$ Then we can see easily $S(a_1)<S(a_2)<...,S(a_n)$ and $S(a_i)=P(a_{i+1}).$
20.04.2019 15:55
Good solution
12.10.2020 16:54
We can do a algorithm: We are going to start with a induction: 1º) First case:$n=2\rightarrow S(a_1)=P(a_2)$, so, lets take $a_1=1$, so $P(a_2)=1$, then, a possible example would be $a_2=11$. 2º) Lets supoose that we can do what the problem says for $k$ numbers, $k \in \mathbb{N}$ 3º) Lets prove that it works for $k+1$ numbers So, lets take the same sequence from $a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_k$ and we are going to insert $a_{k+1}$ in the sequence with the following algorithm: 1- We have $S(a_k)=P(a_{k+1})$, so, lets take first $a_{k+1}=\bar{c_1}\bar{c_2}$ where $c_1c_2=S(a_k)$ 2- If $S(a_{k+1})>S(a_k)$, then we are done 3- Else, lets take now $a_{k+1}=\bar{c_1}\bar{c_2}\bar{c_3}\cdots \bar{c_t}\bar{1}$, then se sums go up and the product stay the same(See that $c_3= c_4 =\cdots =c_t = 1$) 4- Repeat the steps 2 and 3 until $S(a_{k+1})>S(a_k)$ Just one thing, lets take $\bar{a}\bar{b}=10a+b$ because i dont know hou to put a bar up of two numbers
05.07.2021 00:54
Basically the same solutions as above except with powers of $2$ replaced with powers of $3$. Choose a sufficiently large $k_1$ such that $3(k_1+n-1)\leq 3^{k_1}$. Then consider the string of numbers $3^{k_1}, 3^{k_1+1}, \cdots, 3^{k_1+n-1}$. For brevity, let $s_k$ denote the $k$th element in this string, and let $s_0=s_n$. For $1\leq i\leq n,$ let $a_i$ be a number which has sum $s_i$ and product $s_{i-1}$, and which takes the form of $33\cdots 300\cdots 00$. Clearly, for $2\leq i\leq n,$ such a number $a_i$ exists because you can just make the first $k_1+i-1$ digits equal to $3$ and digits after that equal to $0$. It is also easy to see that $i=1$ exists because of the condition we imposed on $k_1$. It is easy to see that the $a_i$ generated satisfy the conditions. Remarks: Another one of those weird construction combo problems. Took me an embarrassingly long time to get the idea of adding a bunch of 1s, but at least it worked.
04.02.2022 19:35
Exist $n$ numbers. $x_2 < x_3< … < x_n < x_1 < 9x_1 < 9^{x_2}$ $y_i = 9^(x_{i+1}) – 9x_i$ $a_i = 99…9111…1$ $9 \implies x_i$ and $1 \implies y_i$
12.06.2022 18:09
Let $a$ be some sufficiently large constant such that $2^{a+2}\gg2n+2a+1002$ and $a_i=\underbrace{11\ldots1}_{2^{a+i+1}-2a-2i\text{ times}}\underbrace{22\ldots2}_{a+i\text{ times}}$ for $2\le i\le n$ while $a_1=\underbrace{11\ldots1}_{2^{a+2}-2n-2a-2\text{ times}}\underbrace{22\ldots2}_{n+a+1\text{ times}}$. We can verify that this satisfies the conditions of the problem for any $n\in\mathbb N$.
06.12.2022 17:35
Observe that we can increase $S(x)$ by adding digits $1$ as $P(x)$ doesn't change at all, furthermore, if $S(x)=p^a$ for some prime $p$, it is comparebly easier to construct such digits. So, choose smallest prime $2$, we will construct numbers such that their digits are consists of $1,2$ only, and sum of digits equals to some power of $2$ i.e $S(x)=2^a$. The trickiest part is the $S(a_n)$ part. The condition is equivalent to $P(a_2)<P(a_3)<...<P(a_{n-1})<P(a_n)<P(a_1)$. Hence we should fix the greatest number to $P(a_1)$. Fixing all $P(a_i)$ fixes all $S(a_i)$. it is enough to show that we can construct $S$ by adding ones. Now, we fix $P(a_i)=2^{k-n-1+i}$ and let $P(a_1)=2^{k}$. But then $S(a_1)=2^{k-n+1},S(a_2)=2^{k-n+2}..., S(a_i)= 2^{k-n+i}$ and $S(a_n)=2^k$. We have a problem if number of $2$ exceeds our sum ( since smallest sum is number of $2$ $\cdot 2$, hence we can't add $1$.)i.e impossible to construct $S(x)$, which happens if $2(k-n-1+i)> 2^{k-n+i}$ which we can avoid by choosing arbitrarly bigger $k$. ( Another way to think is that the product increases faster than the sum , if we multiply "more", then we will have enough difference between multiplication and summation such that adding $1$s will make $S(a_i)$. Then, we can construct $S(a_i)$,hence we are done.
04.03.2024 00:27
The construction is clear, just look at: $1111, 111122, 1111111111222$, upwards on powers of $2$.
21.06.2024 14:22
Choose an integer \(a\) such that \(n - 1 \leq 2^{a - 1} - a\). Note that this is true for all sufficiently large \(a\). Then \begin{align*} a + n - 1 &\leq 2^{a - 1} \\ 2(a + n - 1) &\leq 2^a\text{.} \end{align*}Note that \(a \leq 2^a\) for all \(a\). Now, we choose \(a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n\) such that \begin{align*} S(a_1) = \,\,&P(a_2) = 2^a \\ S(a_2) = \,\,&P(a_3) = 2^{a + 1} \\ S(a_3) = \,\,&P(a_4) = 2^{a + 2} \\ &\ \ \vdots \\ S(a_n) = \,\,&P(a_1) = 2^{a + n - 1}\text{.} \end{align*}We can achieve this by taking \(\log_2 P(a_i)\) twos and padding the number with \(S(a_i) - 2 \log_2 P(a_i)\) ones, for every \(a_i\). This is possible because \(2 \log_2 P(a_i) \leq S(a_i)\) for every \(a_i\): \begin{align*} 2 \log_2 2^{a + n - 1} &\leq 2^a \\ 2 \log_2 2^{a} &\leq 2^{a + 1} \\ 2 \log_2 2^{a + 1} &\leq 2^{a + 2} \\ &\vdots \\ 2 \log_2 2^{a + n - 2} &\leq 2^{a + n - 1} \end{align*}as desired.