At the bottom-left corner of a $2014\times 2014$ chessboard, there are some green worms and at the top-left corner of the same chessboard, there are some brown worms. Green worms can move only to right and up, and brown worms can move only to right and down. After a while, the worms make some moves and all of the unit squares of the chessboard become occupied at least once throughout this process. Find the minimum total number of the worms.
Source: Turkey TST 2014 Day 3 Problem 9
Tags: geometry, combinatorics, TST, combinatorial geometry, Turkey
12.03.2014 15:56
Some more explanations needed. As stated, any worm - of any colour - can reach any unit square. Should all squares be occupied at the end of the moves? or it only matters if they have been occupied sometimes in the process? Is a worm obliged to make a move at each step, or not? Without answers, the problem is trivial.
12.03.2014 16:43
mavropnevma wrote: Some more explanations needed. As stated, any worm - of any colour - can reach any unit square. Should all squares be occupied at the end of the moves? or it only matters if they have been occupied sometimes in the process? Is a worm obliged to make a move at each step, or not? Without answers, the problem is trivial. The original post has edited and at least one occupation during the process is sufficient. The quesiton about an obligation does not matter in this form, I think.
13.03.2014 22:38
1343 worms are needed. Partition the board into 9 sections by drawing two vertical lines separating groups of 671, 672, 671 columns and by drawing two horizontal lines separating groups of 672, 670, 672 rows. Label the sections $\texttt{ABC}$ $\texttt{DEF}$ $\texttt{GHI}$ 672 green worms can cover all of GHEBC. 671 brown worms can cover all of ADEFI. So the whole board is covered. To show this many are needed: consider the intersections of brown worms with each other. Each worm travels to 4027 squares. There's at most one square each brown worm can use on their first and last move, at most two squares each can use on their second and second-to-last move, etc., which means that if there are $b$ brown worms, then they can cover at most $4028b - b^2$ distinct squares for $b \leq 2014$. Similarly, the $g$ green worms can cover at most $4028g - g^2$ distinct squares. Finally, each brown worm and green worm intersects at least once, so we overcount by $bg$. Therefore, with $b$ brown worms and $g$ green worms, the total number of distinct squares covered is at most \[ 4028b + 4028g - b^2 - bg - g^2. \] Suppose $b+g \leq 1342$. For fixed $b+g$, $b^2+bg+g^2$ is minimized with $b = g$, so we may assume $b \leq 671, g \leq 671$. But \[ 2 \cdot 4028 \cdot 671 - 3 \cdot 671^2 < 2014^2, \] (this is equivalent to $3 \cdot 671 < 2014$ after some factoring) so 1342 is not enough.
14.03.2014 09:39
Wow, absolutely fascinating problem, but how do you prove that each brown intersect green at least once? EDIT: Eh, I did not know what I was thinking
14.03.2014 14:18
SMOJ wrote: Wow, absolutely fascinating problem, but how do you prove that each brown intersect green at least once? WLOG, assume that all brown worms ended up at the bottom-right corner, and all green worms ended up at the top-right corner. They can go there from any square, and getting there does not make them occupy less square. So, we have two paths from the top-left to the bottom-right and from bottom-left to the top-right. Clearly, they must intersect.
30.03.2014 13:45
MellowMelon wrote: Finally, each brown worm and green worm intersects at least once, so we overcount by $bg$. But what if a lot of brown worms and green worms intersect at a single square?
30.03.2014 17:11
tngkrtkdydwk wrote: MellowMelon wrote: Finally, each brown worm and green worm intersects at least once, so we overcount by $bg$. But what if a lot of brown worms and green worms intersect at a single square? Then we overcount that single square as much as the worms passed on it.
21.04.2014 21:45
I'll solve it for any $n$ (the problem asks you for $n=2014$). The answer is
worms are needed.
Now let's solve the problem.
so we are done!
14.07.2014 15:33
I think all of you have to fix it a little bit. If a lot of green and red insects intersect at a single square the intersection square of the qreen and red insectsare very less and it becomes harder
14.07.2014 15:37
So you have to fix the path of the insects so you can use your idea.
30.09.2014 15:33
22.11.2014 16:22
You are right @ tnkgkrtkdydwk You guys have to fix. The overcounting of squares may not be at least ab squares. So You have to make it work. Hint: You can make the paths of the worms not to coincide and occupy more than before. It's very necessary. Otherwise you'll get a 0 point for this.
03.06.2021 10:56
All the solutions above have the following flaw. They introduced the sets $B$ and $G$ of the cells covered by brown and green worms correspondingly. Then somehow they postulated that $|B\cap G|\ge b\cdot g,$ where $b$ resp. $g$ is the number of brown, resp. green worms. The reason given was: because each brown route crosses each green one. Of course, it's not enough. Imagine all trajectories have only one common point. What happened was the users had in mind the optimal configuration, where really $|B\cap G|= b\cdot g$ but in this configuration there are no tree routes that intersect at one point. This argument could hardly be fixed. Apparently some new idea needs to come into play. One may see also this Italian IMO 2015 test for a similar mistake.
29.01.2024 23:24
My original solution had the same flaw as everyone else's, so here's my writeup of a solution along the same lines as @dgrozev's. The answer is $\lceil 2n/3 \rceil$ worms. Construction: We essentially draw a swastika. Let the $i$th green worm move $i-1$ squares up, $k-i$ squares right, $k$ squares up, $n-k$ squares right, then up to the top of the board; do the same symmetrically for the $\ell$ red worms. There obviously exists such a construction with $k+\ell = \lceil 2n/3 \rceil$ (this is particularly easy to see when $3 \mid n$). Bound: Suppose there are $k$ green worms and $\ell$ red worms. The idea is to consider the chessboard instead as a one-dimensional column, and let the horizontal dimension represent time. (Of course, this is not completely analogous: we will have worms in a superposition at any given time.) The position of any worm at any given time is given by the set of squares that worm occupies in the column that corresponds to that time. In particular, we may assume that the worms begin in distinct positions at $t=0$ (as they must cover all the squares in that column). Now, at every point in time, we may assume that the worms stay in their current position in the column at the beginning of that second and assume positions during that second. In particular, a total of $n-k-\ell$ new positions must be assumed every second. [This definition is quite subtle; notice that if the worm moves in a horizontal line in the chessboard, i.e. it does not change its position in the next round, it does not assume any new position.] However, by assumption, each green worm can only assume $n-k$ new positions, and each red worm can only assume $n-\ell$ positions because worms cannot move in the reverse direction. Furthermore, there are $k\ell$ occurrences where a red and green worm occupy the same position. Hence we have the inequality $$k(n-k) + \ell(n-\ell) \geq n(n-k-\ell) + k\ell$$which yields $k+\ell \geq 2n/3$, as needed.