
Source: German TST 2004, IMO ShortList 2003, number problem 2

Tags: number theory, decimal representation, algorithm, combinatorics, IMO Shortlist

Each positive integer $a$ undergoes the following procedure in order to obtain the number $d = d\left(a\right)$: (i) move the last digit of $a$ to the first position to obtain the numb er $b$; (ii) square $b$ to obtain the number $c$; (iii) move the first digit of $c$ to the end to obtain the number $d$. (All the numbers in the problem are considered to be represented in base $10$.) For example, for $a=2003$, we get $b=3200$, $c=10240000$, and $d = 02400001 = 2400001 = d(2003)$.) Find all numbers $a$ for which $d\left( a\right) =a^2$. Proposed by Zoran Sunic, USA
