
Source: RMO - Problem 6

Tags: calculus, integration, arithmetic sequence, number theory unsolved, number theory

Let $n \ge 4$ be a natural number. Let $A_1A_2 \cdots A_n$ be a regular polygon and $X = \{ 1,2,3....,n \} $. A subset $\{ i_1, i_2,\cdots, i_k \} $ of $X$, with $k \ge 3$ and $i_1 < i_2 < \cdots < i_k$, is called a good subset if the angles of the polygon $A_{i_1}A_{i_2}\cdots A_{i_k}$ , when arranged in the increasing order, are in an arithmetic progression. If $n$ is a prime, show that a proper good subset of $X$ contains exactly four elements.