
Source: China Mathematical Olympiad 1988 problem3

Tags: combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics

Given a finite sequence of real numbers $a_1,a_2,\dots ,a_n$ ($\ast$), we call a segment $a_k,\dots ,a_{k+l-1}$ of the sequence ($\ast$) a “long”(Chinese dragon) and $a_k$ “head” of the “long” if the arithmetic mean of $a_k,\dots ,a_{k+l-1}$ is greater than $1988$. (especially if a single item $a_m>1988$, we still regard $a_m$ as a “long”). Suppose that there is at least one “long” among the sequence ($\ast$), show that the arithmetic mean of all those items of sequence ($\ast$) that could be “head” of a certain “long” individually is greater than $1988$.