
Source: China Mathematical Olympiad 1989 problem3

Tags: function, complex numbers, algebra unsolved, algebra

Let $S$ be the unit circle in the complex plane (i.e. the set of all complex numbers with their moduli equal to $1$). We define function $f:S\rightarrow S$ as follow: $\forall z\in S$, $ f^{(1)}(z)=f(z), f^{(2)}(z)=f(f(z)), \dots,$ $f^{(k)}(z)=f(f^{(k-1)}(z)) (k>1,k\in \mathbb{N}), \dots$ We call $c$ an $n$-period-point of $f$ if $c$ ($c\in S$) and $n$ ($n\in\mathbb{N}$) satisfy: $f^{(1)}(c) \not=c, f^{(2)}(c) \not=c, f^{(3)}(c) \not=c, \dots, f^{(n-1)}(c) \not=c, f^{(n)}(c)=c$. Suppose that $f(z)=z^m$ ($z\in S; m>1, m\in \mathbb{N}$), find the number of $1989$-period-point of $f$.