
Source: IMO 1980 Finland, problem 4

Tags: geometry, circumcircle, algebra, polynomial, convex polygon, IMO Shortlist

Determine all positive integers $n$ such that the following statement holds: If a convex polygon with with $2n$ sides $A_1 A_2 \ldots A_{2n}$ is inscribed in a circle and $n-1$ of its $n$ pairs of opposite sides are parallel, which means if the pairs of opposite sides \[(A_1 A_2, A_{n+1} A_{n+2}), (A_2 A_3, A_{n+2} A_{n+3}), \ldots , (A_{n-1} A_n, A_{2n-1} A_{2n})\] are parallel, then the sides \[ A_n A_{n+1}, A_{2n} A_1\] are parallel as well.