Cards numbered from 1 to 2n are distributed among k children, 1≤k≤2n, so that each child gets at least one card. Prove that the number of ways to do that is divisible by 2k−1 but not by 2k. M. Ivanov
Source: Tuymaada 2013, Day 2, Problem 8 Seniors
Tags: linear algebra, matrix, induction, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics
26.07.2013 14:03
I think this problem can be solved by condition.
27.07.2013 01:43
Interesting fact (is there a pure combinatorial solution?) but strange choice for №8 and very strange that nobody did it at the contest. Explcit formula for number of surjective maps + Euler's theorem make it straightforward. Maybe contestants didn't know explicit formula? (but certainly they could find it)
27.07.2013 02:10
27.07.2013 08:17
many participants made the same mistake as you. k\leq 2^n, but not \leq n+2.
27.07.2013 13:35
oh, such a silly mistake Well, we can reduce the problem to the case k=n by combinatorial argument and then use that computation. That's cool. (I found that reduction immediately trying to find pure combi solution. Suddenly it turns out to be very useful)
27.07.2013 13:58
I would like to know the details of this, because I don't know a purely combinatorial solution
27.07.2013 14:29
The same with me. I mean just that: Cyclic shift of enumeration of cards makes a new distribution of cards. Consider orbits of this action. Their lengths are divisible by 2^k unless all k sets of cards are stable undo the 2^k-shift. So we can consider only these distributions. But these distributions are bijective with arbitrary distributions of 2^k cards/ So we can suppose k=n. Rest of solution is as in mahanmath's post.
27.07.2013 15:56
...This comment was wrong...
27.07.2013 16:12
and what about about your=official solution? (or maybe you want to get it from mathlinkers:) )
27.07.2013 16:44
Stop! What is the 2^k-shift, if k>n?
27.07.2013 16:57
ooops, it's the same mistake,sorry (( just such an unusual notation? when k>n...
08.12.2015 00:38
Why isn't there a clear solution to this? Basically, the number of ways is the same as those for choosing k-1 objects out of 2^n-1 and we want to find the exponent of 2 in this, which is straightforward by Lucas-Kummer Theorem.
08.12.2015 00:54
anantmudgal09 wrote: Why isn't there a clear solution to this? Basically, the number of ways is the same as those for choosing k-1 objects out of 2^n-1 ... No, it is not the same.
08.12.2015 00:56
Why so? Isn't this just the stars and bars thing? Sorry if this is a silly query. Okay, I get the point now, not all of the cards are to be given, so it is a summation of binomial coefficients.
18.05.2016 05:58
See here:
30.09.2016 17:41
30.09.2016 19:00
I don't see how the induction step can be completed when k is even, since we have no control over (k+1)^{2^n} mod 2^{2^n}
23.08.2023 18:13
OK, it was 10 years ago. Let's post oficial solution. Suppose the children are numbered from 1 to k. We denote by S(2^n, k) the number of distributions in question. Two statements about S(2^n, k): \text{$2^{k-1}$ divides $S(2^n, k)$} \eqno{(\mathcal E_{n,k})} and \\ \text{$2^{k}$ does not divide $S(2^n, k)$} \eqno{(\mathcal F_{n,k})} will be proved by induction in n (for all k at once). \smallskip The base n=0 is obvious since S(2^0, 1)=1. The induction step from n to n+1. We call {\it red} the cards with numbers 1, 2, \dots, 2^n, and {\it green} all the rest. Each distribution of 2^{n+1} cards can be considered as a distribution of red cards and a distribution of green cards, with additional requirement that each child gets a card of at least one colour. Case 1: k\leq 2^n. We arbitrarily choose two non-empty sets A and B of children receiving red and green cards. Then S(2^{n+1}, k)=\sum_{|A\cup B|=k}S\bigl(2^n, |A|\bigr)\cdot S\bigl(2^n, |B|\bigr). To prove the statement \mathcal E_{n+1,k} we apply hypothesis to the right-hand side. We find that each term is divisible by 2^{|A|-1+|B|-1} and therefore by 2^{k-2}. It remains to note that each term except one occurs exactly twice in this sum, because the sets A and B are interchangeable. The only exception is formed by the pair A=B=\{1, 2, \dots, k \}, but the corresponding term is divisible by 2^{k-1}\cdot 2^{k-1}. To prove \mathcal F_{n+1,k} we need to count the terms divisible by 2^{k-2} exactly. The number of these terms is equal to the number of ways to divide \{1, 2, \dots, k \} into two disjoint sets A and B, that is, \binom{k}1+\binom{k}2+\binom{k}3+\dots+\binom{k}{k-1}=2^k-2. Thus S(2^{n+1}, k)=\!\!\!\sum_{|A\cup B|=k}\!\! S\bigl(2^n, |A|\bigr)\cdot S\bigl(2^n, |B|\bigr)\equiv 2^{k-2}\cdot(2^k-2)\equiv 2^{k-1}\!\!\!\!\!\pmod {2^k}. Case 2: k > 2^n. Following the above argument we can apply the hypothesis only when |A|, |B|\leq 2^n. In fact, however, the statement \mathcal E_{n,k} is also true when {k>2^n}, because in this case 2^{k-1} divides S(2^n, k)=0. Thus in the present case the proof of \mathcal E_{n+1,k} requires no modification. To prove \mathcal F_{n+1,k} we count the terms divisible by 2^{k-2} exactly. The number of these terms is equal to the number of ways to divide \{1, 2, \dots, k \} into two disjoint sets A and B, containing at most 2^n elements each, that is, \binom{k}{k-2^n}+\binom{k}{k-2^n+1}+\dots+\binom{k}{2^n}. As in the case 1, we need to know only the residue of this number modulo 4. Using the identities \binom{k}{\ell}=\binom{k-1}{\ell-1}+\binom{k-1}{\ell} and \binom{k-1}{\ell}=\binom{k-1}{k-1-\ell} we obtain \binom{k}{k-2^n}+\binom{k}{k-2^n+1}+\dots+\binom{k}{2^n} = \left(\binom{k-1}{k-2^n-1}+\binom{k-1}{k-2^n}\right)+ \left(\binom{k-1}{k-2^n}+\binom{k-1}{k-2^n+1}\right)+\dots + \left(\binom{k-1}{2^n-1}+\binom{k-1}{2^n}\right) \equiv \binom{k-1}{k-2^n-1}+\binom{k-1}{2^n}\equiv 2 \binom{k-1}{2^n}\pmod 4. It remains to check that for each m, 2^n\leq m<2^{n+1}, the number \binom{m}{2^n} is odd. It follows from the expansion \binom{m}{2^n}=\frac{m}{m-2^n}\cdot\frac{m-1}{m-1-2^n}\cdots\frac{2^n+2}{2}\cdot\frac{2^n+1}{1}. Thus S(2^{n+1}, k)\equiv 2^{k-1}\pmod {2^k}.