
Source: ROM TST 2004, P5; BWM 2006, P2.1, CWMO 2007/8

Tags: rotation, geometry, geometric transformation, function, modular arithmetic, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics

A circular disk is partitioned into $ 2n$ equal sectors by $ n$ straight lines through its center. Then, these $ 2n$ sectors are colored in such a way that exactly $ n$ of the sectors are colored in blue, and the other $ n$ sectors are colored in red. We number the red sectors with numbers from $ 1$ to $ n$ in counter-clockwise direction (starting at some of these red sectors), and then we number the blue sectors with numbers from $ 1$ to $ n$ in clockwise direction (starting at some of these blue sectors). Prove that one can find a half-disk which contains sectors numbered with all the numbers from $ 1$ to $ n$ (in some order). (In other words, prove that one can find $ n$ consecutive sectors which are numbered by all numbers $ 1$, $ 2$, ..., $ n$ in some order.)

HIDE: Problem 8 from CWMO 2007 $ n$ white and $ n$ black balls are placed at random on the circumference of a circle.Starting from a certain white ball,number all white balls in a clockwise direction by $ 1,2,\dots,n$. Likewise number all black balls by $ 1,2,\dots,n$ in anti-clockwise direction starting from a certain black ball.Prove that there exists a chain of $ n$ balls whose collection of numbering forms the set $ \{1,2,3\dots,n\}$.