Let $N\ge2$ be a fixed positive integer. There are $2N$ people, numbered $1,2,...,2N$, participating in a tennis tournament. For any two positive integers $i,j$ with $1\le i<j\le 2N$, player $i$ has a higher skill level than player $j$. Prior to the first round, the players are paired arbitrarily and each pair is assigned a unique court among $N$ courts, numbered $1,2,...,N$. During a round, each player plays against the other person assigned to his court (so that exactly one match takes place per court), and the player with higher skill wins the match (in other words, there are no upsets). Afterwards, for $i=2,3,...,N$, the winner of court $i$ moves to court $i-1$ and the loser of court $i$ stays on court $i$; however, the winner of court 1 stays on court 1 and the loser of court 1 moves to court $N$. Find all positive integers $M$ such that, regardless of the initial pairing, the players $2, 3, \ldots, N+1$ all change courts immediately after the $M$th round. Proposed by Ray Li
Source: ELMO Shortlist 2013: Problem C10, by Ray Li
Tags: combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics
24.07.2013 05:37
$M = i (i \geq 2N-1)$ Let group A is set of players with player number $2$ to $N+1$ If player 1 is assigned court $N$ and 2 player of group A is assigned court $2$ and 1 player of group A is assigned at court $k$ ($1 \leq k \leq N-1, k \ne 2$) at initial pairing ( $2 \leq i, j \leq N+1$) then after $N-1$ round end player 1 is at court 1 and there are 2 player of group A is at court 2 and 1 player of group A is at court $k$ ($3 \leq k \leq N$) and after $N-1+L$ round end $L \leq N-2$ player 1 is at court 1 and there are 2 player of group A is at court 2 and 1 player of group A is at court $k$ ($1 \leq k \leq N$, $k \ne 2$, $k \ne N-L+1$) and after $2N-2$ round end player 1 is at court 1 and there are 1 player of group A is at court $k$ ($1 \leq k \leq N$) So $M \ne i (i \leq 2N-2)$ After $N-1$th round player 1 is assigned court 1 and doesn't move anymore. After $L$th round $L \geq N-1$ If there are court $k$ with one gourp A player and court $k+1$ with no group A player then court $k$ has no group A player next round. And if there are court $k$ with two group A player and court $k+1$ with no group A player then court $k$ has one group A player next round. So After $2N-2$th round there are no court with no group A player This means all group A player changes court after the $M$th round ($M \geq 2N-1$)
19.01.2017 02:05
Sorry for the revive, but I'm confused about a part of the above solution. Quote: If player 1 is assigned court $N$ and 2 player of group A is assigned court $2$ and 1 player of group A is assigned at court $k$ ($1 \leq k \leq N-1, k \ne 2$) at initial pairing ( $2 \leq i, j \leq N+1$) then after $N-1$ round end player 1 is at court 1 and there are 2 player of group A is at court 2 and 1 player of group A is at court $k$ ($3 \leq k \leq N$) If the initial pairing looks like $$\begin{bmatrix}A & A & A & \cdots & A & 1 \\ B & A & B & \cdots & B & B \end{bmatrix},$$after $N-1$ moves, the pairing becomes $$\begin{bmatrix}1 & A & A & \cdots & A & A \\ A & B & B & \cdots & B & B\end{bmatrix},$$unless I'm misinterpreting the problem. In this case, it is evident that all of the $A$s move in the $N$th round.
20.01.2017 16:00
bump $\dfrac{}{}$
09.08.2018 07:27
and the correct answer is $M \geq N+1$ for all $N \geq 3$. (The $N = 2$ has the pathological answer of $2$ but as $N = 2$ can be bashed by hand, assume $N \geq 3$ thorough the solution). Call a configuration of the players tasty at some point of time if after the current match the players $2, 3, \cdots, N+1$ switch places. The construction that is achieved by this: Put persons ranked $2N, 2N-1$ in the first court. And for $2 \leq i \leq N$th court, put the persons $i-1, N+i-2$ on that. This becomes tasty only from $N+1$th match (while this is not immediately obvious why this is true, it would be obvious after reading the proof of the bound's optimality). Call the player ranked $1$ as Federer. Note that if Federer is at the court number $j$ with $j > 1$ at match $t$, after match $t$ he will be at court number $j-1$. So if he was at court number $j$ at the beginning of the tournament, he will be at court number $1$ after exactly $j-1$ matches. Also note that if he ever steps into the court numbered $1$, he will never switch courts ever. So regardless of the initial distribution, Federer comes at court number $1$ and stops switching after $N-1$th match. So we need not worry about him. Now buy $N+1$ blue masks (which cover the faces) and $N-1$ red masks (which cover the faces). At the very beginning of the tournament, put a blue mask on the players $\{1, \cdots, N+1 \}$ and a red mask on $\{N+2, \cdots, 2N \}$. Note that if after match $t$ Federer is at first court In every $i \in \{2, \cdots, N \}$th court, there's exactly one red masked person. , then the configuration is tasty after match $t$ and will forever be after all $M \geq t$. Since after $N-1$th match, the condition (1) is always satisfied, we need to make sure the condition (2) is always satisfied after $N+1$th match, which is the main difficulty of the problem. Also the following part of the proof is most probably not comprehensible/wrong, but I have tried to make it understandable by adding an example of what I mean. Assume the persons are indistinguishable - i.e only thing that distinguishes person A from person B is the color of their masks, and two persons with same color of masks are not distinguishable from each other. Let $a_{i, t}$ denote the number of redmasked people at court $i$ after the $t$-th match. Now go to a big ground, and mark a big circle and $N$ points on it, $p_1, \cdots, p_n$ in that order. Dig one hole each at $p_2, \cdots, p_n$ with dimensions $1 \times 1 \times 1 \text{ metre}$ (there's no hole at $p_1$). Also by $N-1$ cubical red boxes with dimensions $1 \times 1 \times 1 \text{ metre}$. At the beginning of the tournament, put $a_{i, 0}$ boxes on $p_i$ (they will fall into the hole, and maybe stack up on each other). After each match, do the following: for $ 1 \leq i \leq N$, if there's a box at $p_{i}$ (indices modulo $N$) which is at ground level (those which fall inside the hole are never picked up, and if there's two boxes at $p_{i}$ above the ground level (which is only possible if $p_{i} = p_0$) then move only the bottom one), move it to $p_{i-1}$ (indices modulo $N$). Let $b_{i, t}$ denote the total number of boxes at $p_i$ after match $t$. It can be easily verified that $b_{i,t} = a_{i,t}$. So we need to prove that for all $t \geq N+1, 2 \leq i \leq N$, $b_{i, t}= 1$. In other words, we need to prove that any box falls into a hole within $N$ matches. This is not hard. Note that a box can't go round through all the entire points and come back to the original position without falling into a hole since that would imply the existence of atleast $N$ red boxes. So starting from $p_i$, it can atmax go to $p_{i+1}$ (going like this $p_{i} \rightarrow p_{i-1} \rightarrow p_{i-2} \cdots p_{i+1}$ and then finally falling down at $p_{i+1}$, so total after $N-1$ matches). Also till the box fallls down in a hoe, the box moves one step forward. The only exception is that it might have to "pause" for a round at $p_1$ (since there might be two boxes and it might be the upper one). So total any box takes at maximum $N-1 + 1 = N$ matches before permanently falling down to a hole, which is what we wanted to prove. Here's an example of the above process (Note $|AB|CD|EF|GH|$ means at that round $A,B$ are playing at court $1$, $C,D$ playing at court $2$ etc. Also $R$ means red mask, $B$ means blue mask: $|78|14|25|36| \overset{\text{mask}}{\rightarrow} |RR|BB|BB|BR|$. That's why note in (1), there's two red boxes at $p_1$, none in $p_2, p_3$ and one in $p_4$. Also note that $A$ doesn't move since there's $B$ below $A$ but above the ground level and that's why only $B$ is moved $|17|24|35|68| \overset{\text{mask}}{\rightarrow} |BR|BB|BB|RR|$ . Both $A$ and $B$ move. Now $C$ doesn't move since it has fallen into a hole. $|12|43|56|87| \overset{\text{mask}}{\rightarrow} |BB|BB|BR|RR|$. $|13|45|67|82| \overset{\text{mask}}{\rightarrow} |BB|BB|RR|RB|$ $|14|56|27|38| \overset{\text{mask}}{\rightarrow} |BB|BR|BR|BR|$. This is now tasty.

16.12.2020 19:38
An easy way to see this is that 1 cannot lose and we see that for all 2 to n+1 to move we want them to win and only lose against 1. So as all should move all have to be in separate courts. So the final config will have 1 in court 1 and n+2 ti 2n in other courts with 2 to n+1 rotating. So we see that the only way we can assure 1 is not moving is by n-1 rounds and so min is n-1. Now see the fact that 2n-1 can only move if it fights 2n and 2n-2 can only move if it fights 2n-1 and 2n . ( i guess you can see where this is heading). We see that after inital 2 rounds we can assure that 2n-1 and 2n are stable or have a fixed court. ( see and do the reason why it has to be 2 not 1). And continuing this we get that after N-1 rounds we can assure ourselves that all will be stable. So after Nth round all will move so M=>N .