Let positive integers $m,n$ satisfy $n=2^m-1$. $P_n =\{1,2,\cdots ,n\}$ is a set that contains $n$ points on an axis. A grasshopper on the axis can leap from one point to another adjacent point. Find the maximal value of $m$ satisfying following conditions: (a) $x, y$ are two arbitrary points in $P_n$; (b) starting at point $x$, the grasshopper leaps $2012$ times and finishes at point $y$; (the grasshopper is allowed to travel $x$ and $y$ more than once) (c) there are even number ways for the grasshopper to do (b).
Source: China south east mathematical olympiad 2012 day2 problem 8
Tags: combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics