Captain Jack and his pirate men plundered six chests of treasure $(A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4,A_5,A_6)$. Every chest $A_i$ contains $a_i$ coins of gold, and all $a_i$s are pairwise different $(i=1,2,\cdots ,6)$. They place all chests according to a layout (see the attachment) and start to alternately take out one chest a time between the captain and a pirate who serves as the delegate of the captain’s men. A rule must be complied with during the game: only those chests that are not adjacent to other two or more chests are allowed to be taken out. The captain will win the game if the coins of gold he obtains are not less than those of his men in the end. Let the captain be granted to take chest firstly, is there a certain strategy for him to secure his victory?