Prove that for every positive integer $n$ there exists an $n$-digit number divisible by $5^n$ all of whose digits are odd.
Tags: AMC, USA(J)MO, USAMO, induction, number theory
27.09.2005 22:48
When replying to the problem, I ask that you make posts for solutions and submit comments, jokes, smilies, etc. separately. Please use LaTeX for posting solutions. Thanks.
27.09.2005 23:50
Don't post in solved problems, please. This (and all the others) should go in the proposed problems section. Ooh and this was the very first problem I solved on an official olympiad ... yay .
27.09.2005 23:50
It follows by induction on $n$; clearly for $n = 1$, $5$ satisfies the given conditions. Suppose the proposition works for $n$, i.e. there exists some number $N$ satisfying the giving conditions. Consider the five numbers $i*10^n + N$, where $i = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9$. It is clear that these five numbers all have $n+1$ digits with all digits odd, from the inductive hypothesis. Also from the inductive hypothesis, they are all divisible by $5^n$. If one were to divide them by $5^n$ however, they would differ by $2^n$ between consecutive numbers, i.e. they would all have different residues mod $5$. Thus one exists whose residue mod $5$ is $0$, or in other words, the original number was divisible by $5^{n+1}$ and thus satisfies the conditions for $n+1$.
27.03.2006 15:29
Who can show that the first digit number of the k-digit number can be never equal to 1 ? Davron
27.03.2006 19:33
It is easy to construct this number by induktion. $k_0=1, N_0=k_0*5^n=a_{n-1,0}a_{n-2,0}\dots a_{0,0}, a_{0,0}=5 \ is \ odd.$ Let we have $k_l<2^{m_l+1},k_l*5^n=N_l=a_{n-1,l}a_{n-2,l}\dots a_{0,l}$ were m_l+1 digits $a_{m_l,l}\dots a_{0,l}$ are odd. Let we have $m_{l+1}>m_l$, suth that $a_{m_{l+1},l}$ is even. We construct $k_{l+1}=k_l+2^{m_{l+1},N_{l+1}=k_{l+1}*5^n}$ with property: digits $a_{i,l+1}$ are odd for $i\le m_{l+1}$. This number is unique.
28.03.2006 05:33
Rust wrote: It is easy to construct this number by induktion. $k_0=1, N_0=k_0*5^n=a_{n-1,0}a{n-2,0}\dots a_{0,0}, a_{0,0}=5 \ is \ odd.$ Let we have $k_l<2^{m_l+1},k_l*5^n=N_l=a_{n-1,l}a_{n-2,l}\dots a_{0,l}$ were m_l+1 digits $a_{m_l,l}\dots a_{0,l}$ are odd. Let we have $m_{l+1}>m_l$, suth that $a_{m_{l+1},l}$ is even. We construct $k_{l+1}=k_l+2^{m_{l+1},N_{l+1}=k_{l+1}*5^n}$ with property: digits $a_{i,l+1}$ are odd for $i\le m_{l+1}$. This number is unique. Thank you very much Rust please and is this the answer to my question ? Davron
28.03.2006 08:43
I think you are wrong. Check it by programming. It is easy calculate for n<1000.
28.03.2006 18:34
Rust wrote: I think you are wrong. Check it by programming. It is easy calculate for n<1000. nope but we have all the terms as odd numbers...?
14.03.2011 13:52
the first number to satisfy ur condition is 375=3*5^3
19.04.2013 20:05
We will proceed by induction to prove that there always exists a $n$ digit number with all odd digits $A_n$ such that $5^n|A_n$. Base Case: $n=1$, let $A_1=5$ and $5^1|A_1=5$. Inductive Hypothesis: There exists a $k$ digit number with all odd digits such that $5^k|A_k$. Now let $a\in\{1, 3, 5, 7, 9\}$ and $A_k=b_k\cdot 5^k$, then let $A_{k+1}=a\times 10^{k}+bA_k$ and we shall show that you can always pick some $a$ and $b$ such that $5^{k+1}|A_{k+1}$. Notice that $A_{k+1}$ is $A_k$ with an odd digit augmented to beginning of the number. Thus, $A_{k+1}$ contains only odd digits. \[A_{k+1}=5^{k}(a\cdot 2^k+b_k)\] So if we can choose some $a$ such that $a\cdot 2^k+b_k$ is divisible by $5$, then $5^{k+1}|A_{k+1}$. However, this is obviously true because $2^k a$ can take on any possible residue modulo $5$ since $a$ can take on any residue modulo $5$ and we are done. $\blacksquare$
14.05.2013 15:36
Induction: Clearly true for $n=1$. Now assume true for $n=k$, where $d_i$ are the digits in the decimal representation, i.e. $5^k\mid{\overline{d_1d_2\cdots{d_k}}_{10}}$ with all $d_i$ odd. Then the next number in the list can potentially be any one of: $\overline{(2a+1)d_1d_2\cdots{d_k}}_{10}$, where $0\leq{a}\leq{4}$; we want to show that one of these has to be divisible by $5^{k+1}$. By the inductive hypothesis: $(2a+1)\cdot{10^k}+5^kt$; $t\in{\mathbb{Z^+}}$. Factoring (I-V) we have: $5^k(2^k(2a+1)+t_1)=5^k(2^{k+1}a+2^k+t_1)$. But wait! $(2^{k+1}a+2^k+t_1)$ forms a complete set of residue classes $\mod{5}$ as it runs across the $a$'s (this is obvious, see myticterminator's proof of it above), so we're done. $\blacksquare$
09.06.2016 23:41
10.06.2016 00:34
We prove the set of $n$-digits integers whose digits are odd form a complete set of residue modulo $5^n$. There are $5^n$ such integers. It suffices to show they are distinct.
PS : I suppose this problem inspired Croatian National MO 2005.
09.04.2017 09:23
19.09.2019 09:02
Let $f(n)$ be a number with $n$-digits and divisible by $5^n$. We claim that $f(n)$ exists. Induct on $n$, $n=2$ being trivial. Assume $f(n-1)$ exists. We claim that $f(n)=x\cdot 10^{n-1} + f(n-1)$ for some odd digit $x$. Let $f(n-1)=y\cdot 5^{n-1}$. Then \begin{align*} &~ 0\equiv f(n) = x\cdot 10^{n-1} + f(n-1) = x\cdot 10^{n-1} + y\cdot 5^{n-1} \pmod{5^n}. \\ &~ 2^{n-1}x + y \equiv 0 \pmod{5} \\ &~ x\equiv \frac{-y}{2^{n-1}} =\ell \pmod5. \end{align*}If $\ell$ is even, let $x=\ell+5 \pmod{10}$, so that $x$ is odd. If $\ell$ is odd, let $x=\ell$. This completes the induction.
29.09.2019 02:28
We induct on $n$, with the base case of $n=1$ being obvious as we can pick our number to be $5$. Now suppose that $5^nx$ is a number with $n$ digits, all odd. For all $d\in\{1,3,5,7,9\}$, consider \[y:=10^n\cdot d+5^nx=5^n(x+2^nd).\]Since $\{1,3,5,7,9\}$ is a complete residue set mod $5$, we can pick some $d$ that makes $x+2^nd$ divisible by $5$, so our new number $y$ has $n+1$ digits, all odd, and is divisible by $5^{n+1}$.
04.06.2020 18:31
Yay, first oly solve! We use induction. The base case $n = 1$ holds since $5\mid5$. Let $5^k \cdot b$ be a $k$ digit number with all odd digits for some integer $b$. Now we prove that there exists an odd digit $a$ such that $10^k \cdot a + 5^k \cdot b$ (which had $k+1$ digits) is divisible by $5^{k+1}$. Factoring gives $$5^k (2^k \cdot a + b)$$Letting $a$ be a variable and $k$ and $b$ be constants in the modular equation $2^k \cdot a + b \equiv \bmod{5}$. Since $2^k$ and $5$ are relatively prime for any $k$, the modular inverse of $2^k \bmod{5}$ exists. Therefore, the solution for for $a$ is $a \equiv -b \cdot 2^{-k} \bmod{5}$ where $2^{-k}$ is the modular inverse. Any solution in the set $a \in {0,1,2,3,4} \mod{5}$ corresponds to an odd digit $a$. Therefore, there always exists an odd digit $a$ such that $ 5^{k+1} \mid 10^k\cdot a + 5^k\cdot b$, concluding our induction. $\Box$
04.06.2020 18:38
That's cool,even #3 this problem as his/her oly solve.
19.09.2020 22:04
Induct to winduct. Obviously $n=1$ holds as $5^1\mid 5.$ Now we append a digit $k$ to the left of the $n$ digit number $a_n.$ Note that \[5^n\mid k\text{ and }5^n\mid a_n\]by definition. So let $\frac{a_n}{5^n}=b_n$ and note our new number is $5^n(2^n\cdot k+b_n).$ Note that since $5\nmid 2^n$ and $\{1,3,5,7,9\}$ is a complete residue set mod $5,$ $2^n\cdot k$ also covers a complete residue set mod $5,$ so it is always possible for $2^n\cdot k\equiv -b_n\pmod{5}$ to be true.
19.09.2023 03:55
We will show that if there exists a $k$ digit integer divisible by $5^{k}$ there exists a $k+1$ digit integer divisible by $5^{k+1}$. If we add a digit $a$ to the far left of are $k$ digit integer we will show there exists an $a$ such that this is divisible by $5^{k+1}$ Let are $k$ digit integer be $c$ then we require $$c+a10^{k}\equiv 0 \pmod{5^{k+1}}$$$$\frac{c}{5^{k}}+2^{k}a \equiv 0 \pmod{5}$$Since we get a complete residue set mod $5$ as possibilities for $a$ the desired number exists. Since $5$ has $1$ digit and is divisible by $5$ we have completed our induction.
17.10.2023 02:11
We prove this statement by induction. The base case for $n = 1$ is trivial, as $5^1 \mid 5$. Assume that for all $N \leq n$, we have $k \cdot 5^n$ has all of its $n$-digits as odd. (Observe that $k \in \{1, 3, 5, 7, 9\}$). Consider the $(n+1)$-digit integer $\ell \cdot 10^n + 5^n$. Factoring yields, \[5^n(\ell \cdot 2^n + k), \phantom{ccc}\ell \in \{1, 3, 5, 7, 9\}.\]Notice that the inside expression goes through all residues modulo $5$. Hence for every value of $\ell$, there is some $k$ for which $(\ell \cdot 2^n + k)$ is divisible by $5$, so that the entire expression including the factor of $5^n$ is divisible by $5^{n+1}$, which finishes the induciton. $\blacksquare$
25.11.2023 08:54
Consider induction on $n$. When $n=1$, the desired number is $5$, and when moving forward, consider a working $n$-digit number to be $N$. Then, simply notice that exactly one of the elements in \[S = \{10^n+N, 3 \cdot 10^n+N, 5 \cdot 10^n+N, 7 \cdot 10^n+N, 9 \cdot 10^n+N\}\] will satisfy the conditions for an $(n+1)$-digit number, so we are done. $\square$
01.12.2023 05:40
We proceed with induction. The base case, $n=1$ is obvious by just taking $5$ as our number. For our inductive step, assume $k$ is an $n$-digit number divisible by $5^n$ with all odd digits. We know that $k\equiv 0 \pmod {5^n}$, so $k$ can be congruent to either $0, 5^n, 2(5^n), 3(5^n)$, or $4(5^n)$ modulo $5^{n+1}$. Notice that the $n+1$ digit number $x(10^n) = x\cdot 2^n (5^n)$ as $x$ ranges over $1, 3, 5, 7, 9$ can only be $0, 5^n, 2(5^n), 3(5^n)$, or $4(5^n)$ modulo $5^{n+1}$. In fact, each of these five residues appears exactly once due to $\gcd(5, 2^n) = 1$. Thus, given a $k$, we can always pick an $x(10^n)$ that makes $k+x(10^n)$ an $n+1$ digit number with all odd digits and $k+x(10^n)\equiv 0\pmod {5^{n+1}}$. This completes our induction, so we're done. $\blacksquare$
15.01.2024 16:50
We will use induction. $\newline$ Let our $n$-digit number be $k_n$. Then our base case of $n = 1$ works for $k_1 = 5$. $\newline$ Inductive Step: $\newline$ Assume that $k_n$ works. Then we can prove that $k_{n+1}$ works. Let $k_{n+1} = a \cdot 10^n + k_{n}$ for some $a \in \{1, 3, 5, 7, 9\}$. And since all of $\{1, 3, 5, 7, 9\}$ are distinct modulo $5$, then there must be some $a$ that makes $k_{n+1} \equiv 0\pmod{5^{n+1}}$ since both $10^n$ and $k_n$ are divisible by $5^n$, so we are done.
17.01.2024 17:46
Davron wrote: Who can show that the first digit number of the k-digit number can be never equal to 1 ? Davron Consider 193,359,375
27.01.2024 05:46
we will use induction we first have that there exists $(2x_0+1)*10^0$ that is divisible by $5^1$ next, assume there exists $(2x_0+1)*10^{n-1}+...+(2x_n+1)*10^0$ divisible by $5^n$ multiply by $10$ to get $2(x_1*10^n+...+x_n*10)+\frac{10^{n+1}-10}{9}$ this is divisible by $5^{n+1}$ add one to get $2(x_1*10^n+...+x_n*10)+\frac{10^{n+1}-1}{9} \equiv 1 (\text{mod }5^{n+1})$ we need $2(y_1*10^n+...+y_n) \equiv -1 (\text{mod }5^{n+1})$ the existence of this is trivial since $5^{n+1}-1$ is even therefore, we are done
26.04.2024 23:04
Apologies for adding another solution to the long list already present here. Look at the $n$-digit decimal representations of the numbers $S = \left\{k\cdot 5^n\,\mid\, 0\leq k < 2^n\right\}$ [i.e., if the number has less than $n$ digits, then add appropriate number of zeroes at the beginning]. Define a map $f : S \to \{0,1\}^n$ as follows: $ f(\overline{a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n}) = (b_1, b_2, \cdots , b_n) $, where $ b_i = 0 $ if $ a_i $ is even and $ b_i = 1 $ if $ a_i $ is odd. If $ f(k\cdot 5^n) = f(l\cdot 5^n) $ where $ 0 \leq k \leq l < 2^n$ then $ (k-l) \cdot 5^n = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} c_i \cdot 10^i $ for some $ c_i \in \{-8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8\} $. If any of the $ c_i $ are nonzero, let $ i $ be the smallest one. Then, the highest power of $5$ dividing $ \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} c_i \cdot 10^i $ is $i$, which is a contradiction. Therefore, $ k = l $, which implies that $f$ is injective. Since $|S| = 2^n = |\{ 0,1\}^n| $, we get that $f$ is surjective as well. Looking at the pre image of $(1, 1,\cdots , 1)$, we are done.
19.06.2024 01:48
sus this was easier than i thought it was We will construct such a number inductively. Let $a_n$ be our constructed number with $n$ digits divisible by $5^n$ with all odd digits. For the base case $n = 1,$ take $a_1 = 5.$ Now suppose we have our number $a_k$ that is divisible by $5^k.$ Then we will add a digit to the beginning of $a_k$ to make $a_{k+1}.$ To add the digit at the beginning, we need to add one of $10^k, 3 \cdot 10^k, 5 \cdot 10^k, 7 \cdot 10^k,$ or $9 \cdot 10^k.$ Adding any of these will not change whether or not the expression is divisible by $5^k.$ Moreover, if we let $u = 2^k,$ the possible numbers we can add become $u \cdot 5^k, 3u \cdot 5^k, 5u \cdot 5^k, 7u \cdot 5^k,$ and $9u \cdot 5^k.$ Note that $\gcd(u, 5) = 1,$ so taking mod $5^{k+1}$ gives the list $0, 5^k, 2 \cdot 5^k, 3 \cdot 5^k, 4 \cdot 5^k$ in some order. Then if $a_n \equiv z \cdot 5^k \pmod{5^{k+1}},$ we just add the digit which gives the residue $(5-z) \cdot 5^k \pmod{5^{k+1}},$ which will give $a_{k+1}.$ The induction is complete, so we have solved the problem.
19.06.2024 07:12
We prove this by induction. Base case ($n = 1$) is trivial, consider 5. Now say we have a number $k_{n-1} =\overline{ a_{n-1}\cdots a_1}$, all of whose digits are odd and which is a multiple of $5^{n-1}$, i. e. $k_{n-1} = p5^{n-1}$. Now consider $a_n$ such that $5 \mid 2^{n-1}a_n + p$. Clearly there is a unique residue $\pmod{5}$ satisfying this, and so two such numbers in $\{0, 1, \cdots, 9\}$; one odd and one even. Pick the $a_n$ which is odd. Then the number $k_n = \overline{a_n \cdots a_1}$ works.$\square$
23.06.2024 06:32
Induct on $n$, base case $n=1$ is $5$. Now suppose there exists an $n$-digit number $a$ all of whose digits are odd. We will add $k10^n$, where $k \in \{1, 3, 5, 7, 9\}$. $1, 3, 5, 7, 9$ are distinct $\bmod \ 5$, therefore one will result in $a + k10^n \equiv 0 \pmod {5^{n+1}}$.
29.06.2024 08:27
This problem appeared in the 2024 Singapore Mathmatical Olympiad Open Round 2.
07.07.2024 03:48
We will use induction. Base case: $n=1.$ The number $5$ works. Inductive step: Assume there exists a number $N$ with $k$ digits, each digit odd that is a multiple of $5^k.$ The possible $k+1$ digit numbers are $N+10^k,N+3 \left(10^k \right) \dots N+9 \left(10^k \right).$ Each of those numbers can be factored as $5^k(R+2^k), 5^k(R+3\left(2^k \right) \dots 5^k(R+9\left(2^k\right)$. Here, $R$ is the number $\frac{N}{5^k}.$ Each of the numbers of the form $R+2^k, R+3\cdot 2^k, \dots$ are equivalent to a different residue modulo 5, so one of them must be a multiple of $5$. Therefore, there exists an odd number we can "place" in front of $N$ to create a $k+1$ digit number that is a multiple of $5^{k+1}$ with all digits odd. The induction is complete and the desired statement holds.
24.07.2024 23:39
We will prove this with induction. Base Case. $n = 1$. We can consider the odd $1$-digit number $5$ which is divisible by $5^1$. Induction. Suppose the conditions hold for $k = n$, we will show it works for $k = n + 1$. Suppose $T \cdot 5^n$ is a $n$-digit number whose digits are all odd. Then, consider the following numbers: \begin{align*} 1 \cdot 10^n + T \cdot 5^n, \quad 3 \cdot 10^n + T \cdot 5^n, \quad 5 \cdot 10^n + T \cdot 5^n, \quad 7 \cdot 10^n + T \cdot 5^n, \quad 9 \cdot 10^n + T \cdot 5^n. \end{align*}Factoring out $5^n$ from these numbers yields \begin{align*} 1 \cdot 2^n + T, \quad 3 \cdot 2^n + T, \quad 5 \cdot 2^n + T, \quad 7 \cdot 2^n + T, \quad 9 \cdot 2^n + T. \end{align*}Suppose $p$ and $q$ are unique values selected from this list. Then, $p - q = r \cdot 2^n$ for some $r$. Notice $r$ cannot be divisible by $5$, thus $p$ and $q$ are unique values modulo $5$. Therefore, these five values are all unique modulo $5$. So, one of them must be divisible by $5$, as desired.
05.12.2024 08:31
We use induction on $n$. Base case is obvious. For $n= k$, assume there exits an integer $N$ such that $5^k \vert N$, and $N$ is $k$-digit number with all digits being odd. Now, for $n = k+1$, consider the numbers $i \times 10^k + N$, $i = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9$. Note that $5^k \vert i \times 10^k + N$, which can be written as $i \times 10^k + N = 5^k \left( i \times 2^k + \frac{N}{5^k} \right)$. Observe that the numbers $ i \times 2^k + \frac{N}{5^k}$ give five different remainders when divided by $5$, so one of them must be divisibly by $5$. This implies $i \times 10^k + N$ is divisibly by $5^{k+1}$ for one $i \in \{1, 3, 5, 7, 9 \}$, and has $k+1$ odd digits, as required. $\square$