Do there exist $1990$ pairwise coprime positive integers such that all sums of two or more of these numbers are composite numbers?
03.09.2015 19:05
The answer is 「YES」 Let p(1)<...<p(1990) are prime numbers and S=p(1)+...+p(1990).Consider the 1990 numbers S!+p(1),...,S!+p(1990).Let's proof that these numbers are satisfied the conditions. ①pairwise coprime If ∃a(≧2) s.t. a|S!+p(i) , a|S!+p(j) (i<j).a|p(j)-p(i) so a<p(j).Then a|S! and so a|p(i),p(j).This is contradiction. ②sum of some numbers is composite Let consider k(≧2) numbers S!+p(i)...S!+p(j).Sum of these numbers is k・S!+p(i)+...+p(j).This sum is divisible by 2≦a=p(i)+...+p(j)≦S. The proof is completed.
08.04.2021 00:03
The answer is yes. Let the prime numbers which are less than $1990$ be $2=p_1 < 3=p_2 < ... < p_n$. Let $a_i \equiv 1\pmod{p_j}$ for all $1\leq i \leq 1990$ and $1\leq j \leq n$. We know such $a_i$ 's exist because of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. So $a_i \equiv 1\pmod{p_1p_2...p_n}$ for all $1\leq i \leq 1990$. And also it is clear that we can select the $a_i$ 's such that they are all coprime and this sequence satisfies the condition above.