Let $< \Gamma _j >$ be a sequnce of concentric circles such that the sequence $< R_j >$ , where $R_j$ denotes the radius of $\Gamma_j$, is increasing and $R_j \longrightarrow \infty$ as $j \longrightarrow \infty$. Let $A_1 B_1 C_1$ be a triangle inscribed in $\Gamma _1$. extend the rays $\vec{A_i B_1} , \vec{B_1 C_1 }, \vec{C_1 A_1}$ to meet $\Gamma_2$ in $B_2, C_2$and $A_2$ respectively and form the triangle $A_2 B_2 C_2$. Continue this process. Show that the sequence of triangles $< A_n B_n C_n >$ tends to an equilateral triangle as $n \longrightarrow \infty$