
Source: Gulf Mathematical Olympiad 2013

Tags: pigeonhole principle, algebra unsolved, algebra

Let $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_{2n}$ be positive real numbers such that $a_ja_{n+j}=1$ for the values $j=1,2,\ldots,n$. a. Prove that either the average of the numbers $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n$ is at least 1 or the average of the numbers $a_{n+1},a_{n+2},\ldots,a_{2n}$ is at least 1. b. Assuming that $n\ge2$, prove that there exist two distinct numbers $j,k$ in the set $\{1,2,\ldots,2n\}$ such that \[|a_j-a_k|<\frac{1}{n-1}.\]