
Source: Iran 2005

Tags: function, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics

Suppose we have some proteins that each protein is a sequence of 7 "AMINO-ACIDS" $A,\ B,\ C,\ H,\ F,\ N$. For example $AFHNNNHAFFC$ is a protein. There are some steps that in each step an amino-acid will change to another one. For example with the step $NA\rightarrow N$ the protein $BANANA$ will cahnge to $BANNA$("in Persian means workman"). We have a set of allowed steps that each protein can change with these steps. For example with the set of steps: $\\ 1)\ AA\longrightarrow A\\ 2)\ AB\longrightarrow BA\\ 3)\ A\longrightarrow \mbox{null}$ Protein $ABBAABA$ will change like this: $\\ ABB\underline{AA}BA\\ \underline{AB}BABA\\ B\underline{AB}ABA\\ BB\underline{AA}BA\\ BB\underline{AB}A\\ BBB\underline{AA}\\ BBB\underline{A}\\ BBB$ You see after finite steps this protein will finish it steps. Set of allowed steps that for them there exist a protein that may have infinitely many steps is dangerous. Which of the following allowed sets are dangerous? a) $NO\longrightarrow OONN$ b) $\left\{\begin{array}{c}HHCC\longrightarrow HCCH\\ CC\longrightarrow CH\end{array}\right.$ c) Design a set of allowed steps that change $\underbrace{AA\dots A}_{n}\longrightarrow\underbrace{BB\dots B}_{2^{n}}$ d) Design a set of allowed steps that change $\underbrace{A\dots A}_{n}\underbrace{B\dots B}_{m}\longrightarrow\underbrace{CC\dots C}_{mn}$ You see from $c$ and $d$ that we acn calculate the functions $F(n)=2^{n}$ and $G(M,N)=mn$ with these steps. Find some other calculatable functions with these steps. (It has some extra mark.)