
Source: Chinese TST 2 2013 Day 1 Q1

Tags: analytic geometry, induction, floor function, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics

For a positive integer $k\ge 2$ define $\mathcal{T}_k=\{(x,y)\mid x,y=0,1,\ldots, k-1\}$ to be a collection of $k^2$ lattice points on the cartesian coordinate plane. Let $d_1(k)>d_2(k)>\cdots$ be the decreasing sequence of the distinct distances between any two points in $T_k$. Suppose $S_i(k)$ be the number of distances equal to $d_i(k)$. Prove that for any three positive integers $m>n>i$ we have $S_i(m)=S_i(n)$.