
Source: 2013 China TST Quiz 1 Day 1 P3

Tags: induction, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics

There are$n$ balls numbered $1,2,\cdots,n$, respectively. They are painted with $4$ colours, red, yellow, blue, and green, according to the following rules: First, randomly line them on a circle. Then let any three clockwise consecutive balls numbered $i, j, k$, in order. 1) If $i>j>k$, then the ball $j$ is painted in red; 2) If $i<j<k$, then the ball $j$ is painted in yellow; 3) If $i<j, k<j$, then the ball $j$ is painted in blue; 4) If $i>j, k>j$, then the ball $j$ is painted in green. And now each permutation of the balls determine a painting method. We call two painting methods distinct, if there exists a ball, which is painted with two different colours in that two methods. Find out the number of all distinct painting methods.