Which number is bigger $\sqrt[2012]{2012!}$ or $\sqrt[2013]{2013!}$.
Tags: inequalities
04.03.2013 19:52
As written, clearly the first is bigger because $2012!>2013$, so that $\sqrt[2013]{2013}<\sqrt[2012]{2013}<\sqrt[2012]{2012!}$. I think you wrote it wrong, though. What did you actually mean?
04.03.2013 19:57
sorry for mistake it must be $\sqrt[2013]{2013!}$
04.03.2013 20:51
Solution in albania http://prntscr.com/uwai4
04.03.2013 22:13
What we wish to see is: $\sqrt[2012]{2012!} \Box \sqrt[2013]{2013!}$ Raising both sides to the $2012*2013$ power gives us: $\ 2012!^{2013} \Box 2013!^{2012}$ Now notice that $2012!^{2013} = 2012!^{2012}*2012!$ and that $2013!^{2012} = 2012!^{2012}*2013^{2012}$ Thus we can rewrite our inequality as: $2012!^{2012}*2012! \Box 2012!^{2012}*2013^{2012}$ Dividing both sides by $2012!^{2012}$ reduces the inequality to: $2012! \Box 2013^{2012}$ Of which the RHS is greater (each element in the product of the RHS is greater than any element in the product of the LHS and they have the same number of elements.) So we see that $\sqrt[2012]{2012!} < \sqrt[2013]{2013!}$
24.03.2013 04:36
Let $x= \sqrt [2012] {2012!}$, then $\newline x^{2012}=2012! \implies x < 2013 \implies x^{2013} < 2012! \cdot 2013= 2013! \implies x < \sqrt [2013] {2013!}$
15.11.2016 19:03
Generalized: $\forall n \in \mathbb{N}$ we have the following : $(n+1)!^n > n!^{n+1}$