
Source: Iran 2005

Tags: probability, geometry, geometric transformation, reflection, algebra, polynomial, Putnam

a) Year 1872 Texas 3 gold miners found a peice of gold. They have a coin that with possibility of $\frac 12$ it will come each side, and they want to give the piece of gold to one of themselves depending on how the coin will come. Design a fair method (It means that each of the 3 miners will win the piece of gold with possibility of $\frac 13$) for the miners. b) Year 2005, faculty of Mathematics, Sharif university of Technolgy Suppose $0<\alpha<1$ and we want to find a way for people name $A$ and $B$ that the possibity of winning of $A$ is $\alpha$. Is it possible to find this way? c) Year 2005 Ahvaz, Takhti Stadium Two soccer teams have a contest. And we want to choose each player's side with the coin, But we don't know that our coin is fair or not. Find a way to find that coin is fair or not? d) Year 2005,summer In the National mathematical Oympiad in Iran. Each student has a coin and must find a way that the possibility of coin being TAIL is $\alpha$ or no. Find a way for the student.