
Source: Problem 5

Tags: rotation, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics

5. $A$ and $B$ play alternating turns on a $2012 \times 2013$ board with enough pieces of the following types: Type $1$: Piece like Type $2$ but with one square at the right of the bottom square. Type $2$: Piece of $2$ consecutive squares, one over another. Type $3$: Piece of $1$ square. At his turn, $A$ must put a piece of the type $1$ on available squares of the board. $B$, at his turn, must put exactly one piece of each type on available squares of the board. The player that cannot do more movements loses. If $A$ starts playing, decide who has a winning strategy. Note: The pieces can be rotated but cannot overlap; they cannot be out of the board. The pieces of the types $1$, $2$ and $3$ can be put on exactly $3$, $2$ and $1$ squares of the board respectively.