Suppose $a,b,c \in \mathbb R^+$and \[\frac1{a^2+1}+\frac1{b^2+1}+\frac1{c^2+1}=2\] Prove that $ab+ac+bc\leq \frac32$
Source: Iran 2005
Tags: trigonometry, geometry, inequalities, inequalities proposed
27.08.2005 16:13
If $a=b=c= \sqrt{2}$ then $ab+bc+ca = 6$ :S
27.08.2005 16:29
RaMlaF wrote: If $a=b=c= \sqrt{2}$ then $ab+bc+ca = 6$ :S when $a=b=c=\sqrt{2}$ $\sum\frac{1}{a^2+1}=1\neq 2$
27.08.2005 16:35
Yes, I guess we all see that Shyong, but there was some confusion since Omid Hatami had a typo in his post.
28.08.2005 08:15
This problem is not hard ! Expand the hypothesis , we get : $ a^2b^2+b^2c^2+c^2a^2+2a^2b^2c^2 =1 $ Put $ ab =2cos C ; ac= 2cos B , bc =2cos A $ The ineq becomes $ cos A+cos B +cos C \leq \frac{3}{2} $
28.08.2005 08:34
nttu wrote: This problem is not hard ! Expand the hypothesis , we get : $ a^2b^2+b^2c^2+c^2a^2+2a^2b^2c^2 =1 $ Put $ ab =2cos C ; ac= 2cos B , bc =2cos A $ The ineq becomes $ cos A+cos B +cos C \leq \frac{3}{2} $ I guess you mean $ab=\cos C$ instead of $2\cos C$
29.08.2005 20:37
This problem has been in Iran exam in (1376,problem 4) I think it worth repeating it cause it has a nice solution with Caushy. Omid Why did you guys repeat this problem ? Solution .$ab+bc+ca=\frac{(a+b+c)^2-(a^2+b^2+c^2)}{2}\le \frac{3}{2}$ so its enough to prove $(a+b+c)^2 \le (a^2+1+b^2+1+c^2+1)$ Let $x=a^2+1,y=b^2+1,z=c^2+1$ The problem is equal to : Let $\frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{y}+\frac{1}{z}=2$ prove $\sqrt{x+y+z} \ge \sqrt{x-1}+\sqrt{y-1}+\sqrt{y-1}$ which follows from a simple but nice caushy $\sqrt{x+y+z} *\sqrt{(\frac{x-1}{x}+\frac{y-1}{y}+\frac{z-1}{z})=3-(\frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{y}+\frac{1}{z})=1} \ge \sqrt{x-1}+\sqrt{y-1}+\sqrt{z-1}$ NTTU=I am not sure that you can use that subtitution with $Cos$
29.08.2005 20:56
you are so cool lomos_lupin(Arman).
29.08.2005 21:09
Thanks but There is nothing to be cool about but its strange that problem was repeated in the official exam , i am more interested in the solutions of the contestants ,Omid Would you please give one of the nice solutions?
01.09.2005 11:57
this is not only problem that was repeated Arman there are many problems. as we see in Geometry .I think the reason that OMID HATAMI didn't send Graph problems was this. most of the problem (or maybe all of them) of graph problems was in Bondy's Book and ... $So\ Easy\ to\ get\ gold\ this\ year.$
01.09.2005 12:20
Will there be any more rounds for the Iranian Mathematical Olympiad 2005? I know that there used to be three rounds with 6 problems in the past (with the third round very hard). Did that change? If so, that's a pity. I don't like this "algebra exam", "geometry exam", ... etc
01.09.2005 13:33
Arne wrote: Will there be any more rounds for the Iranian Mathematical Olympiad 2005? yes,there is. Actually in iran there are four rounds.4th round is very hard and cute.
01.09.2005 13:41
lomos_lupin wrote: NTTU=I am not sure that you can use that subtitution with $Cos$ Why aren't you sure ?
01.09.2005 13:41
I am glad to hear that. Which round was this one?
01.09.2005 13:50
This was 3rd round
01.09.2005 17:50
nttu wrote: lomos_lupin wrote: NTTU=I am not sure that you can use that subtitution with $Cos$ Why aren't you sure ? Why,There exist Angles like $A,B,C$ such that $A+B+C=180$ and $ab=CosC,bc=CosA,ca=CosB$? I think you reached this Existance from $a^2b^2+b^2c^2+c^2a^2+2a^2b^2c^2=1$ but how?
01.09.2005 17:55
lomos_lupin wrote: I think you reached this Existance from $a^2b^2+b^2c^2+c^2a^2+2a^2b^2c^2=1$ but how? Indeed, take $x = bc$, $y = ca$ and $z = ab$, then $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + 2xyz = 1$ which implies that $x$, $y$ and $z$ are the cosines of the angles of a triangle.
15.05.2013 15:02
If $a,b,c\ge 0 $ such that $\frac{1}{1+a}+\frac{1}{1+b}+\frac{1}{1+c}=2$ prove that \[{\sqrt{ab}+\sqrt{bc}+\sqrt{ca}\le \frac{3}{2} \le \frac{1}{1+2a}+\frac{1}{1+2b}+\frac{1}{1+2c} }.\] here The following inequality is also true. If $a,b,c > 0 $ such that $\frac{1}{1+a}+\frac{1}{1+b}+\frac{1}{1+c}=1$ prove that \[abc(a-1)(b-1)(c-1)\le 8.\]