consider rays OA OB OD
where OD bisect the angle BOA.
Draw a circle with center O and radius 1.
Then inverse A B D with respect to the circle.
We got A'B'D',and here A'B'D'O are cyclic.
Also <A'OD'=<D'OB',by Ptolemy's Theorem.
We have (A'O)+(B'O)=k(D'O)
this leads to 1/OA+1/OB=k/OD
So,if 1/OA+1/OB is a constant 1,line AB pass through
a fixed point D on the angle bisector of <BOA.
Take the midpoint C of OD as center,1 the radius.
Because OC is the angle bisector,
AC/BC=AO/BO=a/b (Let OA=a,OB=b)
Let T U be the midpoint of OA,OB
the vector <OC>=b/(a+b)<OT>+a/(a+b)<OU>
and the radius 1=[b/(a+b)](a/2)+[a/(a+b)](b/2)
(here we used 1/a+1/b=1)
By now we can easily check that with the circle we draw,
and the circles with diameter OA,OB.
They have two common tangents all the time.
Best regards,