
Source: ELMO Shortlist 2011, C1

Tags: function, modular arithmetic, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics

Let $S$ be a finite set, and let $F$ be a family of subsets of $S$ such that a) If $A\subseteq S$, then $A\in F$ if and only if $S\setminus A\notin F$; b) If $A\subseteq B\subseteq S$ and $B\in F$, then $A\in F$. Determine if there must exist a function $f:S\to\mathbb{R}$ such that for every $A\subseteq S$, $A\in F$ if and only if \[\sum_{s\in A}f(s)<\sum_{s\in S\setminus A}f(s).\] Evan O'Dorney.