Find all positive integers $x,y,z$ and $t$ such that $2^x3^y+5^z=7^t$.
Source: JBMO 2012
Tags: modular arithmetic, number theory, greatest common divisor, algebra
27.06.2012 21:07
28.06.2012 00:59
Modulo $3$ we must have $(-1)^z \equiv 5^z \equiv 7^t \equiv 1 \pmod{3}$, so we must have $z$ even. Modulo $7$ we must have $2^x\cdot (-4)^y \equiv - (-2)^z \pmod{7}$, thus $(-1)^y 2^{x+2y} \equiv -2^z \pmod{7}$, that is $2^{x+2y-z} \equiv -(-1)^y \pmod{7}$, which requires $y$ odd, since $2^m \equiv -1 \pmod{7}$ has no solution. Let us first decide on $x=1$. Modulo $4$ we must have $2\cdot 3^y \equiv -1 + (-1)^t \pmod{4}$, therefore we must have $t$ odd. Then modulo $5$ we must have $2\cdot (-2)^y \equiv 2^t \pmod{5}$, thus $2^{1+y-t} \equiv -1 \pmod{5}$, impossible since $1-y+t$ is odd, while $2^m \equiv -1 \pmod{5}$ requires $m$ even. So we continue with $x\geq 2$. Modulo $4$ we must now have $1 \equiv (-1)^t \pmod{4}$, therefore we must have $t = 2t'$ even. Remember $z=2z'$ is also even, so $2^x\cdot 3^y = (7^{t'} - 5^{z'})(7^{t'} + 5^{z'})$. But $\gcd(7^{t'} - 5^{z'}, 7^{t'} + 5^{z'}) = 2$. Now, if $3\mid 7^{t'} - 5^{z'}$, then we must have $2\cdot 3^y + 5^{z'} = 7^{t'}$ (since $7^{t'} + 5^{z'} > 2$), which is the impossible case of the above. Therefore we need consider $7^{t'} - 5^{z'} = 2^{x'}$ (with, in parallel, $7^{t'} + 5^{z'} = 2^{x-x'}\cdot 3^{y}$), where $x'=1$ or $x'= x-1$. After this effort, we enter a new phase. Modulo $3$ we now need have $7^{t'} - 5^{z'} \not \equiv 0 \pmod{3}$, whence $z'$ odd. But modulo $16$ we do have $2^x\cdot 3^y = 49^{t'} - 25^{z'} \equiv 8 \pmod{16}$, and this forces $\boxed{x=3}$. One obvious possibility is $t'=z'= x'=1$, with the solution $\boxed{2^3\cdot 3^1 + 5^2 = 7^2}$. The case $7^{t'} - 5^{z'} = 2^{2}$ cannot occur, since modulo $3$ we would have $2\equiv 7^{t'} - 5^{z'} = 2^{2} \equiv 1 \pmod{3}$, absurd; so the only case left is $7^{t'} - 5^{z'} = 2$ (with $7^{t'} + 5^{z'} = 2^{2}\cdot 3^y$). This case remains to be settled. We can kill it with Lifting The Exponent lemma. We have $7^{t'} - 1 = 2\cdot 3^y$. Since $v_3(7-1) = 1$, and by LTE $v_3(7^{t'} - 1) = 1 + v_3(t') = y$, we will need $3^{y-1} \mid t'$, but then, for $y>1$, we would have $7^{t'} - 1 > 2\cdot 3^y$. Therefore $y=1$, and the only solution is the one boxed above. A much simpler continuation is however available. Write $7^{t'} - 5^{z'} = 2 = 7 - 5$, or $7(7^{t'-1} - 1) = 5(5^{z'-1} - 1)$. Since the order of $7$ modulo $5$ is $4$, it means that $4 \mid t'- 1$, and then $2^5 \cdot 3\cdot 5^2 = 7^4 - 1 \mid 7^{t'-1} - 1$, so $5^2 \mid 5(5^{z'-1} - 1)$, only possible when $z'= 1$ and $t'=1$, which is the boxed solution above. I do not particularly relish this type of problem; with sterile manipulations galore modulo carefully chosen numbers, in the chase for some contradiction.
02.08.2012 09:10
This problem offers you two options: either do huge calculations or use Zsigmondy's theorem. Though none of them is attractive, but, at my point of view, the first option is much more honorable. My Solution:
Case:1 $x=1$
Case: 2 $x>1$
Case: $2.1$ $q=0$
Case: $2.2$ $q=y$ Here also two cases: Case: $2.2.1$ $p=1$
Case: $2.2.2$ $x-p=1$
02.11.2016 16:45
Very very easy for P4. The better problem is when x, y, z and t are non-negative
24.02.2018 16:32
Particle wrote: This problem offers you two options: either do huge calculations or use Zsigmondy's theorem. Though none of them is attractive, but, at my point of view, the first option is much more honorable. My Solution:
Case:1 $x=1$
Case: 2 $x>1$
Case: $2.1$ $q=0$
Case: $2.2$ $q=y$ Here also two cases: Case: $2.2.1$ $p=1$
Case: $2.2.2$ $x-p=1$
Could you please post the solution using Zsigmondy's Theorem. Thanks in advance!
26.06.2020 10:53
We start with observing that $5^{z}\equiv 1 (mod 3)$ so $z = 2k, $where $k$ is natural. Next there are two opportunities 1) $x=1$. Then $7^{t}\equiv 3 (mod 4) \Rightarrow t$ is odd. Next $7^{t}\equiv 7 (mod 8)$ and $5^{2k}\equiv 1 (mod 8)$ so $2\times 3^{y} \equiv 6 (mod 8)$ and $y$ is odd. But now it is easy to check that there is no solutions by modulo 5. 2) $x\geq 2$. By modulo 4 we got $7^{t}\equiv 1 (mod 4)$ so $t = 2m,$ where $m$ is natural. So let $ 7^{m} - 5^{k} = 2^{a}\times 3^{b}$ and $7^{m} + 5^{k} = 2^{c}\times 3^{d}$. It is easy to see that $ 7^{m} - 5^{k}$ and $7^{m} + 5^{k}$ both can not be divisible by 4 and by 3 at the same time. So there are 4 cases. Case 1: $a = 1, b = 0$. Then we got $7^{m} - 5^{k} = 2$ (1) $7^{m} + 5^{k} = 2^{c}\times 3^{d}$ (2) So from these equations follows next equation: $5^{k} = 2^{c-1}\times 3^{d} - 1$. If $c \geq 3$ then no solutions by modulo 4. If $c = 1$ then no solutions by modulo 2, hence $c = 2$. So $5^{k} = 2\times 3^{d} - 1$ and $ 7^{m} = 2\times 3^{d} + 1$. Assume that $d \geq 2$. It is easy to get by modulo 9 that both $m$ and $k$ are divisible by 3. Using formula of difference of cubes we see that (1) has no solutions. So $d = 1$. Then immediately we got $ x = 3, y = 1, z = t = 2$. Case 2: $a = 1, d = 0$. Then we got $7^{m} - 5^{k} = 2\times 3^{b}$ (3) $7^{m} + 5^{k} = 2^{c}$ (4) So from these equations follows next equation: $5^{k} = 2^{c-1} - 3^{b}$ (5). Obviously $c \geq 4$. By modulo 4 we got that $b$ is odd. From (4) by modulo 8 we got that $m$ is odd and $k$ is even, next from this equality by modulo 3 easy to get that $c$ is odd. But then follows contradiction by modulo 5 from (5). Case 3: $c = 1, d = 0$. Of course, there is no solutions in this case. Case 4: $c = 1, b = 0$ we got two equalities: $7^{m} - 5^{k} = 2^{a}$ (6) and $7^{m} + 5^{k} = 2 \times 3^{d}$ (7). Then follows that $5^{k} = 3^{d} - 2^{a-1}$. From (7) by modulo 3 we got that $k$ is even. If $a = 1$ then no solutions by modulo 2, so $a \geq 2$. Hence from (6) by modulo 4 we got that $m$ is even. Using difference of squares formula in (6) we see that $2 \times 5^{l} = 2^{s} - 2^{r}$ for some natural $l,r,s (s \geq r)$. If $s,r \geq 2$ then no solutions by modulo 4. So $r = 1 \Rightarrow 5^{l} = 2^{s-1} -1$ and no solutions by Mihailescu's theorem. So ${x,y,z,t} = {3,1,2,2}$ is the only solution.