How many 6-digit numbers have at least an even digit?
13.06.2012 04:01
This is just the number of six-digit numbers, $900000$, minus the number of six digit numbers with all odd digits. There are only 5 odd digits, so this is $5^6=15625$. So our answer is $900000-15625=884375$. Cheers, Hyperspace Rulz!
13.06.2012 04:14
So I guess Puerto Rico TST = Mathcounts?
13.06.2012 04:16
Due to the limited number of people that actually get to the final rounds for Puerto Rico team selection (as well as the low population relative to places such as the States), it's generally more efficient and easier to determine accurate teams if easier tests are given as opposed to a very difficult one (this strategy is often used in a lot of small countries, as well).
13.06.2012 04:32
Couldn't have said it better myself.
13.06.2012 04:34
Wait I posted this in the wrong place. Fail