
Source: Romania TST 3 2012, Problem 2

Tags: projective geometry, geometry proposed, geometry

Let $\gamma$ be a circle and $l$ a line in its plane. Let $K$ be a point on $l$, located outside of $\gamma$. Let $KA$ and $KB$ be the tangents from $K$ to $\gamma$, where $A$ and $B$ are distinct points on $\gamma$. Let $P$ and $Q$ be two points on $\gamma$. Lines $PA$ and $PB$ intersect line $l$ in two points $R$ and respectively $S$. Lines $QR$ and $QS$ intersect the second time circle $\gamma$ in points $C$ and $D$. Prove that the tangents from $C$ and $D$ to $\gamma$ are concurrent on line $l$.