
Source: 2012 European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad P1

Tags: geometry, circumcircle, trapezoid, parallelogram, angle bisector, EGMO, EGMO 2012

Let $ABC$ be a triangle with circumcentre $O$. The points $D,E,F$ lie in the interiors of the sides $BC,CA,AB$ respectively, such that $DE$ is perpendicular to $CO$ and $DF$ is perpendicular to $BO$. (By interior we mean, for example, that the point $D$ lies on the line $BC$ and $D$ is between $B$ and $C$ on that line.) Let $K$ be the circumcentre of triangle $AFE$. Prove that the lines $DK$ and $BC$ are perpendicular. Netherlands (Merlijn Staps)