
Source: APMO 2012 #4

Tags: geometry, circumcircle, trigonometry, parallelogram, geometric transformation, reflection, Asymptote

Let $ ABC $ be an acute triangle. Denote by $ D $ the foot of the perpendicular line drawn from the point $ A $ to the side $ BC $, by $M$ the midpoint of $ BC $, and by $ H $ the orthocenter of $ ABC $. Let $ E $ be the point of intersection of the circumcircle $ \Gamma $ of the triangle $ ABC $ and the half line $ MH $, and $ F $ be the point of intersection (other than $E$) of the line $ ED $ and the circle $ \Gamma $. Prove that $ \tfrac{BF}{CF} = \tfrac{AB}{AC} $ must hold. (Here we denote $XY$ the length of the line segment $XY$.)