Let $P$ be a regular $n$-gon $A_1A_2\ldots A_n$. Find all positive integers $n$ such that for each permutation $\sigma (1),\sigma (2),\ldots ,\sigma (n)$ there exists $1\le i,j,k\le n$ such that the triangles $A_{i}A_{j}A_{k}$ and $A_{\sigma (i)}A_{\sigma (j)}A_{\sigma (k)}$ are both acute, both right or both obtuse.
Source: 2001 China National Olmpiad
Tags: pigeonhole principle, combinatorics proposed, combinatorics
27.08.2013 15:12
The property holds for all $n$ but $5.$
Consider first a regular $2n$-gon for $n \ge 2.$ Let $A_i$ and $A_j$ be $2$ vertices which are diametrically opposite. If $A_{\sigma (i)}$ and $A_{\sigma (j)}$ are still diametrically opposite, then any third vertex $A_k$ will work since $\angle{A_{i}A_{k}A_{j}} = {90}^{\circ} = A_{\sigma (i)}A_{\sigma (k)}A_{\sigma (j)}.$
Otherwise, let $A_k$ be the vertex such that $A_{\sigma (k)}$ is diametrically opposite to $A_{\sigma (i)}.$ Then $\angle{A_{i}A_{k}A_{j}} = {90}^{\circ} = A_{\sigma (i)}A_{\sigma (j)}A_{\sigma (k)}.$ Note that this is trivially true for an equilateral triangle, but it's false for a regular pentagon (consider $ABCDE$ and $A'D'B'E'C'$).
Consider now a regular $2n+1$-gon for $n \ge 3.$ Clearly there are no right triangles. The number of obtuse triangles with a particular diagonal as the longest side is equal to the number of vertices between the endpoints of this diagonal, going the shorter way.
Since there are $2n+1$ diagonals of each length, the total number of obtuse triangles is \[(2n+1)\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}{i} = {1\over2}(n-1)n(2n+1).\] The total number of triangles is \[\dbinom{2n+1}{3} = {1\over3}(2n-1)n(2n+1).\] Since \[ { {{1\over2}(n-1)} \over{{1\over3}(2n-1)}} = {1\over2} + {{n-2}\over{4n-2}} > {1\over2}\] for $n \ge 3,$ there are more obtuse triangles than acute ones. By pigeonhole, there exist $3$ vertices such that their initial and permuted positions both determine obtuse triangles.
27.08.2013 18:48
Actually it's $n=4, n=5$ If $n$ is even then it's trivial If $n$ is odd, then we take an arbitrary diagonal of the polygon. Notice that the number of obtuse triangles that takes the chosen diagonal as one of its side always larger than the number of acute triangles(we get this from consider cases or transforming, it's not hard). Hence proved!