
Source: Turkish TST 2011 Problem 7

Tags: inequalities, geometry, circumcircle, ratio, geometric transformation, homothety, inequalities proposed

Let $K$ be a point in the interior of an acute triangle $ABC$ and $ARBPCQ$ be a convex hexagon whose vertices lie on the circumcircle $\Gamma$ of the triangle $ABC.$ Let $A_1$ be the second point where the circle passing through $K$ and tangent to $\Gamma$ at $A$ intersects the line $AP.$ The points $B_1$ and $C_1$ are defined similarly. Prove that \[ \min\left\{\frac{PA_1}{AA_1}, \: \frac{QB_1}{BB_1}, \: \frac{RC_1}{CC_1}\right\} \leq 1.\]