
Source: Albanian IMO 2011 TST

Tags: modular arithmetic, combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics

The sweeties shop called "Olympiad" sells boxes of $6,9$ or $20$ chocolates. Groups of students from a school that is near the shop collect money to buy a chocolate for each student; to make this they buy a box and than give to everybody a chocolate. Like this students can create groups of $15=6+9$ students, $38=2*9+20$ students, etc. The seller has promised to the students that he can satisfy any group of students, and if he will need to open a new box of chocolate for any group (like groups of $4,7$ or $10$ students) than he will give all the chocolates for free to this group. Can there be constructed the biggest group that profits free chocolates, and if so, how many students are there in this group?