
Source: Balkan Mathematical Olympiad 2011. Problem 3.

Tags: ratio, floor function, modular arithmetic, number theory proposed, number theory

Let $S$ be a finite set of positive integers which has the following property:if $x$ is a member of $S$,then so are all positive divisors of $x$. A non-empty subset $T$ of $S$ is good if whenever $x,y\in T$ and $x<y$, the ratio $y/x$ is a power of a prime number. A non-empty subset $T$ of $S$ is bad if whenever $x,y\in T$ and $x<y$, the ratio $y/x$ is not a power of a prime number. A set of an element is considered both good and bad. Let $k$ be the largest possible size of a good subset of $S$. Prove that $k$ is also the smallest number of pairwise-disjoint bad subsets whose union is $S$.