The diagonals of a trapezoid $ ABCD $ whose bases are $ [AB] $ and $ [CD] $ intersect at $P.$ Prove that
\[S_{PAB} + S_{PCD} > S_{PBC} + S_{PDA},\]
Where $S_{XYZ} $ denotes the area of $\triangle XYZ $.
Use the fact that $S_{XYZ}=\frac{1}{2}\cdot XY\cdot YZ\cdot \sin \angle XYZ$ to get that we have to prove
\[PA\cdot PB+PC\cdot PD>PA\cdot PD+PB\cdot PC=2\cdot PA\cdot PD\]
as $\frac{PB}{PD}=\frac{PA}{PC}=k$, say. Now, this implies that we have to prove
\[k+\frac{1}{k}\ge 2\]
which is true.
Does this quadrilateral have to be a trapezoid?
My solution is very similar but I called $AP=y, PC=yz, PB=x, PD=xz$.
Then we have that $1+k^2>=2k$ which is obvious by the trivial inequality or AM-GM.