$5000$ movie fans gathered at a convention. Each participant had watched at least one movie. The participants should be split into discussion groups of two kinds. In each group of the first kind, the members would discuss a movie they all watched. In each group of the second kind, each member would tell about the movie that no one else in this group had watched. Prove that the chairman can always split the participants into exactly 100 groups. (A group consisting of one person is allowed; in this case this person submits a report).
Tags: induction, combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics
20.02.2011 10:08
Obviously, we can always split a group with more than 1 person into two groups following the same discussion pattern, so it's okay if we come up with less groups than requested. Induct on the statement: given no more than $\leq n^2/2$ movie fans, they can be divided into no more than $n$ groups. $n = 1$: trivial, because there are no fans. Now, suppose we have $\leq n^2/2$ fans to be split into $\leq n$ groups. Pick a minimal set of movies $M$ such that each fan has watched at least one of these movies. If there are no more than $n$ movies in $M$, we can make one group per movie and we're done. If there are more than $n$ movies, then by the minimalness of $M$, for each movie in $M$ we must have some fan that has watched no movie of $M$ other than that one. These fans, numbering more than $n$, can form a group discussing these movies; we can then use the induction hypothesis on the remaining fans, numbering $\leq (n-1)^2/2$.
27.08.2014 14:34
I have a solution that improves the bound to $<\frac {(n+1)(n+2)}{2}$ movie fans for $n$ groups. Call groups where all the people watched the same movie "same group" and where each has a unique movie "unique group". We use induction. For $n=1$ there are either $1$ or $2$ movie fans so obviously we can put them in $1$ "same group" or "unique group". Now suppose it is true that if there are $<\frac {n(n+1)}{2}$ movie fans then we can put them in $n-1$ groups. Suppose that each movie was watched by at most $n$ people, then we can definitely form $n$ "unique groups". Number the movies and mentally create $n$ empty groups, first put people of movie $1$ into different groups. Next put movie $2$ in different groups while avoiding some people who liked movie $1$ and $2$. Then put people who watched movie $3$ into different groups while avoiding some people who watched $3$ plus movie $1$ and/or movie $2$ and continue in this manner. Since each movie was watched by at most $n$ people it is always possible to do this, and for each person the lowest numbered movie he/she watched will be the movie that no one else in his/her group watched. Otherwise, there is a movie watched by at least $n+1$ people, so make a "same group" using them. Now there are $n-1$ groups remaining and $<\frac {n(n+1)}{2}$ movie fans, so we apply the inductive hypothesis. Strangely, the official solution uses pretty much the same idea as me but they got a lower bound of $\frac {n(n+1)}{2}$ so I'm wondering if I made a made a mistake somewhere.
09.04.2017 18:06
I'll prove by induction on $x$ that $2x^2$ participants can be splitted into $2x$ groups.For $x=1$ just put one guy in one group and the other guy in the other.Suppose it hold for $x-1$.Set up incidence matrix where the rows are movies and and columns are the people.Let the movies be $c_1,c_2,...c_k$ and the people $1,2...2x^2$ and $a_{ij}=1$ if the movie $c_i$ was watched by the guy $j$ and zero otherwise.It suffices to show that we can split $4x-2$ guys in $2$ groups.First suppose there exist a row with more than than one $\{1\}$.Say $c_j$ and let it have $p$ zeroes and $q$ ones.If $q>4x-2$ just split the ones into two groups adding up to $4x-2$ and we finish.If $q\leq 4x-2$ keep adding ones into one group till one remains than just throw in a bunch remaining zeroes till the $4x+2$ condition is fulfilled there doesn't exist row $c_j$ than cay in rows $c_i,c_j$ guys $v,w$ have ones now just form group with $2x-1$ guys from $c_i$ and $2x-1$ people from $c_j$ and so we're done.$\blacksquare$