Find the maximum number of sets which simultaneously satisfy the following conditions: i) any of the sets consists of $4$ elements, ii) any two different sets have exactly $2$ common elements, iii) no two elements are common to all the sets.
Tags: combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics
17.01.2011 10:14
The maximum number is 7. First we prove that the number is not greater than 7. Suppose two of the sets are {a,b,c,d} and {a,b,e,f}. If at least 4 sets contain both a and b, suppose they are {a,b,c,d},{a,b,e,f},{a,b,g,h} and {a,b,i,j}. From the problem we know at least one set doesn't contain both a and b, this set contains at least 5 elements, contradiction. If exactly 3 sets contain both a and b, saying {a,b,c,d},{a,b,e,f} and {a,b,g,h}. It is easily to seen that any other set must contain one of a,b ,one of c,d ,one of e,f ,and one of g,h. At most one set contains c,e,g or d,f,h; at most one set contains c,e,h or d,f,g; at most one set contains c,f,g or d,e,h; at most one set contains c,f,h or d,e,g. So there are at most 3+4=7 sets. If exactly 2 sets contain both a and b, then except the set {c,d,e,f}, other sets must contain one of a,b ,one of c,d ,one of e,f ,and one other element. At most one set contains a,c,e or b,d,f; at most one set contains a,c,f or b,d,e; at most one set contains a,d,e or b,c,f; at most one set contains a,d,f or b,c,e. So there are at most 2+1+4=7 sets. Finally, the sets {0,1,2,4},{0,2,3,5},{0,3,4,6},{0,4,5,7},{0,5,6,1},{0,6,7,2} and {0 7,1,3} satisfy the condition, so the maximum number of sets is 7.
17.01.2011 10:36
A more symmetric model for $7$ sets is $abcd, abxy, cdxy, acxz, bdxz, adyz, bcyz$, with each of the $7$ elements $a,b,c,d,x,y,z$ belonging to exactly $4$ sets and each of the $21$ pairs of elements belonging to exactly $2$ sets. This is therefore a symmetric BIBD (balanced incomplete blocks design) of the type $(7,4,2)$. Notice that without condition iii) we could have infinitely many such sets (a common pair, adjoined to infinitely many disjoint pairs). It is interesting to note the similarity with, where the conditions were that all intersections of two sets have exactly one element, and no ellement is common to all sets, with the answer $13$, given by the model symmetric BIBD of the type $(13,4,1)$, the finite projective plane of order $3$.
27.02.2011 07:02
I solved this problem during the competition, and it is really not hard but very nice!
28.02.2011 13:08
it was also posted here: - my solution is quite similar to Yunhao Fu's one.