
Source: China TST 2000, problem 5

Tags: function, algebra unsolved, algebra

a.) Let $a,b$ be real numbers. Define sequence $x_k$ and $y_k$ such that \[x_0 = 1, y_0 = 0, x_{k+1} = a \cdot x_k - b \cdot y_l, \quad y_{k+1} = x_k - a \cdot y_k \text{ for } k = 0,1,2, \ldots \] Prove that \[x_k = \sum^{[k/2]}_{l=0} (-1)^l \cdot a^{k - 2 \cdot l} \cdot \left(a^2 + b \right)^l \cdot \lambda_{k,l}\] where $\lambda_{k,l} = \sum^{[k/2]}_{m=l} \binom{k}{2 \cdot m} \cdot \binom{m}{l}$ b.) Let $u_k = \sum^{[k/2]}_{l=0} \lambda_{k,l} $. For positive integer $m,$ denote the remainder of $u_k$ divided by $2^m$ as $z_{m,k}$. Prove that $z_{m,k},$ $k = 0,1,2, \ldots$ is a periodic function, and find the smallest period.