Determine if there are positive integers $a, b$ such that all terms of the sequence defined by \[ x_{1}= 2010,x_{2}= 2011\\ x_{n+2}= x_{n}+ x_{n+1}+a\sqrt{x_{n}x_{n+1}+b}\quad (n\ge 1) \] are integers.
Tags: induction, number theory proposed, number theory
27.09.2010 01:19
a=2, b=2011 works by induction, but I'd really appreciate it if someone could post a proof that is not "guess first and prove later". There should be a non-determinist proof, something that proves the existence of a,b without having to determine them exactly.
27.09.2010 09:05
Concyclicboy wrote: Determine if there are positive integers $a, b$ such that all terms of the sequence defined by $ X_{1}= 2010 $, $ X_{2}= 2011 $, $ X_{n+2}= X_{n}+ X_{n+1}+a\sqrt{X_{n}X_{n+1}+b}$, $ n\geq 1 $, are integers. writing $x_nx_{n+1}=u_n^2-b$, with $u_n\ge 0$, we get : $x_{n+2}=x_n+x_{n+1}+au_n$ $x_{n+1}x_{n+2}=x_nx_{n+1}+x_{n+1}^2+au_nx_{n+1}$ $u_{n+1}^2=x_{n+1}^2+au_nx_{n+1}+u_n^2$ And so obviously, any $(2,b)$ such that $x_1x_2+b$ is a perfect square is a solution. So, any $(a,b)=(2,t^2-2010\cdot 2011)$ with $t\ge 2011$ is a solution. (If we want all solutions, it remains to check if $a=2$ is the only possibility).
21.01.2015 00:38
I got a different solution. As in the other solutions, I will show that $a=2$ and $b=2011$ works. It's easy to check that $x_3$ will be an integer. Now, we have that \[x_{n+2}-x_{n+1}-x_n = 2\sqrt{x_{n+1}x_n + 2011}\] Squaring this relation, we get that \[x_{n+2}^2+x_{n+1}^2+x_n^2 -2x_{n+2}x_{n+1} - 2x_{n+2}x_n = 2x_{n+1}x_n + 8044\] In this last relation, changing $n$ for $n+1$ and subtracting, we get: \[(x_{n+3}-x_n)(x_{n+3}+x_n) -2x_{n+2}(x_{n+3}-x_n) - 2x_{n+1}(x_{n+3}-x_n) = 0\] As the sequence is strictly increasing, we can cancel the factor $x_{n+3}-x_n$ and obtain that \[x_{n+3}-2x_{n+2}-2x_{n+1}-x_{n} = 0\] This new relation shows that the sequence satisfies a linear recurrence of third order with integer coefficients and as the three first terms of the sequence are integers, all terms must be integers.
07.08.2015 22:37
The question doesn't ask us to find all (a,b) ??
26.07.2021 05:45
We will show that if $x_1=k-1, x_2=k$ and $x_{n+2}=x_n+x_{n+1}+2\sqrt{x_nx_{n+1}+k}$ for $n\ge1$ and $k>1$ then every term of the sequence is an integer. Taking $k=2011$ gives the desired result. Consider $y_n=\sqrt{x_nx_{n+1}+k}$. We will show $y_n=x_{n}+y_{n-1}$ for $n>1$. Since $y_1=x_2=k$ are integers, it will follow $y_n$ is always an integer so $x_{n+2}=x_{n}+x_{n+1}+2y_n$ is always an integer. We proceed by induction. Since $y_2=2k=k+k=x_2+y_1$ we have our base case. For our inductive hypothesis suppose $y_{m-1}=x_{m-1}+y_{m-2}$. Now, \[ y_m=\sqrt{x_mx_{m+1}+k}=\sqrt{x_m(x_{m-1}+x_m+2y_{m-1})+k} = \sqrt{(x_m+y_{m-1})^2+k+x_mx_{m-1}-y_{m-1}^2}. \]However, since $y_{m-1}^2=x_{m-1}x_m+k$, this is equivalent to \[ y_m = x_m + y_{m-1}. \]This finishes our induction and thus, the problem. $\blacksquare$
03.09.2021 16:42
I have two solutions one use induction and fibonacci numbers:
The second is without the "importance" of the first elements on the sequence (and my favorite):
19.12.2021 14:41
AHZOLFAGHARI wrote: The question doesn't ask us to find all (a,b) ?? No. note that problem only asks "whether there exist such $a,b$". It does not ask to find all $a,b$. In any case, it is an interesting question to find all such $(a,b)$, which I am interested to see a proof of (I can't find one).