We claim that any even sided polygon with all equal lengths and parallel opposite sides (we call it a nice polygon) can be dissected into lozenges (rhombus). Clearly quadrilaterals works, now suppose it works until it has 2n−2 sides with n≥3. Now consider a nice (2n)-gon A1...A2n. Now let B2,B3,...,Bn−1 inside the polygon such that the line segments A2B2,...,An−1Bn−1 are equal in length and parallel to A2nA1. Then the quadrilaterals A2nA1A2B2,B2A2A3B3,B3A3A4B4,...,Bn−1An−1AnAn+1 are all rhombus. Dissect them away and the remaining figure is a nice (2n−2)-gon. Thus by induction all nice polygon can be dissected into rhombus.